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[#80] BMW 118i M Sport 尋日又忍唔住訂左車尾太陽檔同埋車尾膠盆. 不過要九月先有. |
一一![]() 121.xxx.xxx.242 |
2012-08-09 09:52 | |
[#81] BMW 118i M Sport - - c hing, May I know where to get one? Thanks. ^_^ 最後修改時間: 2012-08-09 14:56:12 |
pixie![]() 42.xxx.xxx.154 |
2012-08-09 14:55 |
[#82] BMW 118i M Sport dlbc c hing, as I know, the package is quite expensive, am I right? How much roughly? Thanks. ^_^ |
pixie![]() 42.xxx.xxx.154 |
2012-08-09 15:06 |
[#83] BMW 118i M Sport 旺角黑布街, 石磨坊對面. |
一一![]() 121.xxx.xxx.242 |
2012-08-09 15:18 |
[#84] BMW 118i M Sport pixie Hing, 我個人選擇用錢換時間, 唔好煩! 値唔値睇你自己^_^ |
dlbc![]() 210.xxx.xxx.169 |
2012-08-09 15:27 |
[#85] BMW 118i M Sport -- c hing, thanks for the info. ^_^ |
pixie![]() 42.xxx.xxx.154 |
2012-08-09 16:13 |
[#86] BMW 118i M Sport dlbc c hing, I see. Thanks for the info. ^_^ |
pixie![]() 42.xxx.xxx.154 |
2012-08-09 16:13 |
[#87] BMW 118i M Sport actually ff4300 told me about it in the other thread, it's really quite expensive. Thanks for the info again ff4300 c hing. ^_^ |
pixie![]() 42.xxx.xxx.154 |
2012-08-09 16:16 |
[#88] BMW 118i M Sport 早兩日見到朋友架 118iM,真係靚仔,跟車有頭四尾二遮鮑魚,原廠M版包圍,sport suspension,形格內“龍”,個駄盤好細好揸手。車身除左白色外全部要加錢,佢架係好似M5個隻藍色。不過行緊 runflat 呔好唔慣要換呔鈴! |
aliu1![]() 203.xxx.xxx.204 |
2012-08-13 11:01 |
[#89] BMW 118i M Sport 仲有兩隻色都唔駛加錢. 好似一隻係黑色另外果隻就唔記得啦. |
一一![]() 121.xxx.xxx.242 |
2012-08-13 11:38 |
[#90] BMW 118i M Sport aliu1 ching, 想問RFT同普通車軑開起上黎有乜分別呀? |
一一![]() 121.xxx.xxx.242 |
2012-08-13 11:41 |
[#91] BMW 118i M Sport pixie Hing, 我覺得如果咪數大的話, 佢哋個保養套餐就値回票價! |
dlbc![]() 210.xxx.xxx.169 |
2012-08-13 12:32 |
[#92] BMW 118i M Sport 一一 兄,冇開過 RFT 既車,咁我又唔知喎! |
aliu1![]() 203.xxx.xxx.204 |
2012-08-13 13:44 |
[#93] BMW 118i M Sport 頭先打比個sales, 佢話架車九月船期, 即係最快都要十月尾或十一月頭先有車. 呢次真係有排等. |
一一![]() 121.xxx.xxx.242 |
2012-08-13 14:59 |
[#94] BMW 118i M Sport 118i 是否南非製造? |
worley![]() 210.xxx.xxx.50 |
2012-08-14 13:19 |
[#95] BMW 118i M Sport M sport版有無加大個brake架 |
mtv3100![]() 210.xxx.xxx.64 |
2012-08-14 14:40 |
[#96] BMW 118i M Sport dlbc brother, I don't drive it much actually. I had 22xx since I picked up my car in 2011 Dec. So I still dunno I should join their plan or not. >< |
pixie![]() 42.xxx.xxx.154 |
2012-08-15 02:09 |
[#97] BMW 118i M Sport Worley, all 1 series are made in Germany. 一一, may be the 1 series is just the entry level, the RFT is quite noisy and bumpy especially on the rough surface. After I changed to non-RFT, the car is quiet and comfy. I regret for not chaning it on day 1. |
小鬼![]() 203.xxx.xxx.129 |
2012-08-15 09:23 |
[#98] BMW 118i M Sport Nah... would rather pay more and settle on the M135i instead Any pricing info? |
anon99![]() 218.xxx.xxx.134 |
2012-08-15 12:19 |
[#99] BMW 118i M Sport 一一兄, 想問問118個尾箱比Jazz大or小些? thx! |
mryu![]() 61.xxx.xxx.174 |
2012-09-29 11:25 |