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[#17] AMG & Mpower 討論區 Where is AMG show room ?? Or any other place that have AMG kits (1st or 2nd hand) |
f-u-n-g 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.88 |
2009-10-19 12:23 | |
[#18] AMG & Mpower 討論區 Fung hing, long time no see, hope things are well with you. As for the topic, I am a big M fan, been driving the last 3 generations of M3s despite looking at Porsches, GTRs, Audis, etc. No complaints and I still prefer NA cars over turbo ones (personal perference, of course)... |
Giskard 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.57 |
2009-10-20 15:43 |
[#19] AMG & Mpower 討論區 go to water goods parts shop la, more cheaper >>已經係水貨公司價了...... 點都好, parts有時響ebay會周不時有岩用既野出現... |
jcmbz 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.183 |
2009-10-20 15:44 |
[#20] AMG & Mpower 討論區 Hi Giskard, long time no see. I am very fine. Tks jcmbz, any water goods parts shop suggest, or in which district got this kind of shops. |
f-u-n-g 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.88 |
2009-10-21 12:10 |
[#21] AMG & Mpower 討論區 講真來來去去都係果幾間, 都係德x華x 好多時佢地一聽個model, 就話好肯定同你講....冇! 有時上ebay反而會pop up一d想要既野出黎.. |
jcmbz 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.183 |
2009-10-21 12:13 |
[#22] AMG & Mpower 討論區 jcmbz Sorry, I am very new to car kits. Where is 德x華x ?? Which district?? Tks |
f-u-n-g 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.88 |
2009-10-21 14:38 |
[#23] AMG & Mpower 討論區 汽車零件店舖 香港島 柴灣----京港----28988280--(Toyota, Nissan, Honda…..) 志堅----25116541—(歐州車水貨零件如 Benz, Volve等) 北角----恆安----28026152 永盛----25080110 九龍區 官塘------新力--24432090 土瓜灣— 永新—23650831—(各類車款但以日本車為主) 啟德---27118003---(Mazda) 德國---27746698---(歐州車, Benz, Volvo..為主) 新蒲崗---維新---23222760 旺角------華聯---27899968---(歐州車為主) 牛頭角---力恆---27554427 九龍城---美東---23367048---(各類車款但以日本車為主) 大角咀—時富---27288006---(各類日本車款,但以大昌代理之牌子為主如 Honda, Nissan.最齊.) 永生—23923355---專科 Toyota 車零件 荃灣------全達—24135235--(各類車款但以日本車為主) 新界區 大圍-----國耀---26045889---(附近一帶以呢間料最齊) 大埔-----恆安---26513348 上水-----宏發---26703257 元朗-----新世界---24763791 東南-----24769968 美日-----24768938-----(日本車O2 Sensor特平,e.g. Toyota Picnic) 冷氣配件 土瓜灣-----適豐---23337728---(行內一哥,專科汽車冷氣配件) 利豐—23832299 旺角--------運豐—23329284 元朗--------聯誼---24429002 |
jcmbz 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.183 |
2009-10-21 14:42 |
[#24] AMG & Mpower 討論區 tks you very much 最後修改時間: 2009-10-21 18:56:54 |
f-u-n-g 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.134 |
2009-10-21 18:56 |
[#25] AMG & Mpower 討論區 我朋友部E55AMG幾乎每個月都要整,究竟BENZ係咪唔多耐用呢? |
sepultura 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.10 |
2009-10-22 12:03 |
[#26] AMG & Mpower 討論區 我之前有部 1996 C36 AMG, 用左2年, 除買入時換過油, brake 皮,避震芯及返新過車頂天花外, 冇其他野出過問題~ |
monzter 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.225 |
2009-10-22 13:55 |
[#27] AMG & Mpower 討論區 My personal opinion is that for AMG or M, drive them for around 4-5 years and they should be sold before maintenance becomes very expensive and warranties are no longer available. |
Giskard 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.57 |
2009-10-22 15:19 |
[#28] AMG & Mpower 討論區 It shall apply to all european cars; Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Rolls, Bentley, Renault or even voltswagon!Maintenance is European cars weakness. |
01slwt 正式會員 58.xxx.xxx.146 |
2009-11-02 15:23 |
[#29] AMG & Mpower 討論區 sepultura Hing, may I ask what is the year of manufacture of your friend's E55? |
sv.40 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.252 |
2009-11-03 02:22 |
[#30] AMG & Mpower 討論區 sepultura Hing, may I ask what is the year of manufacture of your friend's E55? It is 2003. |
sepultura 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.10 |
2009-11-03 08:50 |
[#31] AMG & Mpower 討論區 E-550 2008, 388 HP, very fast |
audiohuang 正式會員 68.xxx.xxx.44 |
2009-12-08 09:10 |
[#32] AMG & Mpower 討論區 388 HP |
audiohuang 正式會員 68.xxx.xxx.44 |
2009-12-08 09:11 |
[#33] AMG & Mpower 討論區 well, E550 engine appears not to be AMG....but its a more user friendly engine than the e55 engine, i must admit |
mahimahi 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.241 |
2009-12-08 10:46 |
[#34] AMG & Mpower 討論區 sporty dash board black and white color |
audiohuang 正式會員 68.xxx.xxx.44 |
2009-12-08 11:53 |
[#35] AMG & Mpower 討論區 well, 388 H/P makes this monster 0-60 takes 5.3 seconds only, lot sport car gonna disappear in the dust |
audiohuang 正式會員 68.xxx.xxx.44 |
2009-12-08 12:03 |
[#36] AMG & Mpower 討論區 This statement can only be true if it's for a straight line. On hill side road and slow corners, most mercedes are relatively clumsy in handling and I would say even a humble Mini cooper S will leave this monster in dust :) |
simcity 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.62 |
2009-12-08 12:24 |