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[#1] AMG & Mpower 討論區 any one have AMG or M power want to share your experince |
roger456![]() 203.xxx.xxx.144 |
2009-08-27 16:16 | |
[#2] AMG & Mpower 討論區 These are all turned versions. What are you looking for? I have tried the Z3 and Z4 M powered, and they have significantl better performances than the stock version. |
letsrock![]() 203.xxx.xxx.133 |
2009-08-27 16:21 |
[#3] AMG & Mpower 討論區 咁BB呢? |
草泥馬![]() 219.xxx.xxx.130 |
2009-08-27 16:31 |
[#4] AMG & Mpower 討論區 AMG or M power 兩款車番行整車 check 車都係有另類 price list 。即係貴 D。 |
leochan![]() 210.xxx.xxx.112 |
2009-08-27 17:21 |
[#5] AMG & Mpower 討論區 我無返過原廠,只係去相熟車房整,壞左乜就去買parts 比佢整,淨比人工.我第一次揸AMG,之前果d全部都係bmw |
roger456![]() 203.xxx.xxx.144 |
2009-08-27 18:01 |
[#6] AMG & Mpower 討論區 只有benz 和夫同 m power計唔計呢 不過老實, 和夫整車錢似平amg好多 |
jcmbz![]() 203.xxx.xxx.92 |
2009-08-27 18:02 |
[#7] AMG & Mpower 討論區 letsrock, you owned M roadster(Z3) b4, me too what colour you have? |
roger456![]() 203.xxx.xxx.144 |
2009-08-27 18:02 |
[#8] AMG & Mpower 討論區 淫夫整車 labor 牌架有三種。 四至六汽缸,八缸,十二缸或 AMG。當然貴車收貴 D 啦。 自己搵 AMG 零件難吾難? |
leochan![]() 210.xxx.xxx.112 |
2009-08-27 18:44 |
[#9] AMG & Mpower 討論區 返淫夫整車價一定比出面貴,但勝在原廠;有什麼事回去換都方便D。 |
692![]() 61.xxx.xxx.224 |
2009-08-27 18:52 |
[#10] AMG & Mpower 討論區 jcmbz hing, i am not fortune enough to own them, just one of my business partner owns them in Taiwan and I get to drive around with them. He also has a 997 S4, and a Boxster S. |
letsrock![]() 220.xxx.xxx.156 |
2009-08-27 21:47 |
[#11] AMG & Mpower 討論區 I have tried the Z3 and Z4 M powered, and they have significantl better performances than the stock version. 因為好多野都唔同.... 應該係話落足料先岩.... |
jcmbz![]() 203.xxx.xxx.204 |
2009-08-27 23:53 |
[#12] AMG & Mpower 討論區 letsrock ching 車都係舊車, 買入價都好平.... 但整車真係要搵間好車房有心機去慢慢跟 同埋個別PARTS唔平, 尤其架m5..... 好彩既同750共用件. 唔好彩既獨立件....可能連新件都買唔到 |
jcmbz![]() 203.xxx.xxx.204 |
2009-08-27 23:56 |
[#13] AMG & Mpower 討論區 Sorry, first message was to roger456 hing instead. silly me. jcmbz hing, my friend keeps it in Taiwan because the garages there are better much cheaper. Fixing cars in HongKong is expensive, especailly no so common European ones because usually it take long time, and it just occupied their time coz cost of the rent is just too high. |
letsrock![]() 220.xxx.xxx.156 |
2009-08-28 08:22 |
[#14] AMG & Mpower 討論區 my car if want to repair something was not expensive compare with Japanese, only the parts expensive very little, of course if you go back Benz or BMW buy parts, i will say expensive than outside buuy around 3 times, i did check b4 |
roger456![]() 203.xxx.xxx.144 |
2009-08-28 08:51 |
[#15] AMG & Mpower 討論區 架我架老爺車計.... 以軑箱計, 一般5仔唔駛整, 要換也不貴 M車...要你HKD20000, 仲要係REBUILT, 因為原廠已冇新貨 避震, 520不過320一條, M5尾避震有升降, 最平都要7500一條 想改, SACHS/BILSTEIN... 1-2K一條, 仲要冇貨... |
jcmbz![]() 203.xxx.xxx.204 |
2009-08-28 10:29 |
[#16] AMG & Mpower 討論區 go to water goods parts shop la, more cheaper |
roger456![]() 203.xxx.xxx.144 |
2009-08-28 14:51 |
[#17] AMG & Mpower 討論區 Where is AMG show room ?? Or any other place that have AMG kits (1st or 2nd hand) |
f-u-n-g![]() 219.xxx.xxx.88 |
2009-10-19 12:23 |
[#18] AMG & Mpower 討論區 Fung hing, long time no see, hope things are well with you. As for the topic, I am a big M fan, been driving the last 3 generations of M3s despite looking at Porsches, GTRs, Audis, etc. No complaints and I still prefer NA cars over turbo ones (personal perference, of course)... |
Giskard![]() 202.xxx.xxx.57 |
2009-10-20 15:43 |
[#19] AMG & Mpower 討論區 go to water goods parts shop la, more cheaper >>已經係水貨公司價了...... 點都好, parts有時響ebay會周不時有岩用既野出現... |
jcmbz![]() 203.xxx.xxx.183 |
2009-10-20 15:44 |
[#20] AMG & Mpower 討論區 Hi Giskard, long time no see. I am very fine. Tks jcmbz, any water goods parts shop suggest, or in which district got this kind of shops. |
f-u-n-g![]() 219.xxx.xxx.88 |
2009-10-21 12:10 |