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[#4] 內壟: BMW vs Benz?    
In term of design, I like AUDI. But in term of material, I like BENZ.

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-07-14 12:54
[#3] 內壟: BMW vs Benz?    
I found that the feel and the look of the dash of new 5 series BMW is slightly better than even the new E class.
The new C class has the best dash than others like A4, 3 series etc......
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-07-14 10:46
[#2] 內壟: BMW vs Benz?    
講Design新款BMW 7仔幾靚仔,自己做埋司機對住個dashboard會幾開心,用料就較難比較(指耐用性),要用上兩/三年看得出!
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-07-14 10:06
[#1] 內壟: BMW vs Benz?    
就算買到寶馬 7 系個內壟都有 d 粗. 講豪華感始終都係 Benz 勝過 BMW. 大家點睇?

最後修改時間: 2011-07-14 09:12:54
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-07-14 09:12
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