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[#21] Who drives this car?    
>although she did signal but was during the process.

She didn't seem to understand why she had to signal. Her signaling was an afterthought, most likely only after she saw your car as she changing lane.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-09-27 19:43
[#22] Who drives this car?    
olddude is correct...

Too often the lane cutters think that because they have signaled it means they have right-of-way or that they think if there is an accident then they can claim that they did signal and it is the other driver's fault for not seeing.

Are the driving school's now like the Tutorial School, teach you just enough to pass but not use your brain to think?

Everyone no whatever experience makes mistake, I'm sure most people would react to the sound of horn by aborting the action and taking evasive action to correct their mistake. I observe those that:
(1) Continue with the action - no idea what is going on...
(2) Force their way i.e. like those who drive to "LIVE"

I am interested in what reply #3 'cow' is thinking...

As for excusing mistakes because a driver is new...What if a new PC aiming at an attacker shoots an innocent bystander? What if a new pilot crashes in wet weather? What if a new bus driver fails to stop in time?
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-09-27 23:00
[#23] Who drives this car?    
I think the reason for the signal is the driver fell shameful so did it as an after-thought apology.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-09-28 10:21
[#24] Who drives this car?    
I guess we should add 'car self crash protection' system like the planes on the news yesterday.

Its not too easy to get yourself killed but it could also be very easy.

look the trains.....i hope MTR has earn enough money and have some spare for mainteance...otherwise.....

don't ask our govenrment, they alreay spent all their time replying stupid requests about the 'blue sky'

PLAY HARD, and worry nothing, that makes me feel better!

最後修改時間: 2011-09-28 10:55:35
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-09-28 10:52
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