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[#1] 2012年款XF下月抵港    


積架XF約在三年前推出,車系一開始時予人煥然一新的感覺,自那時起,品牌亦陸續推出其他革新型號,包括XFR、XJ及近期的XJ Supersport等,都是擺脫了傳統英國車設計的新一代積架。


2012年款的XF將沿用3公升V6引擎(售價$568,000起),馬力238匹,配一台ZF製六前速自動波箱;另外亦有馬力510匹的高性能版本(售價$1,588,000),配用5.0公升V8 Supercharged引擎。順帶一提,積架XF最近榮獲英國Auto Express Driver Power「十年最佳汽車獎」,英國人果真也愛祖國、用國貨。

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-10-23 01:30
[#2] 2012年款XF下月抵港    
>>>>順帶一提,積架XF最近榮獲英國Auto Express Driver Power「十年最佳汽車獎」,英國人果真也愛祖國、用國貨。

A few year ago.... I see in youtube, have choice
最佳汽車獎...積架 can win Ben "C"...BM"w" Aud"i"

so I don't beleave.........
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-10-24 02:31
[#3] 2012年款XF下月抵港    
"最佳汽車獎...積架 can win Ben "C"...BM"w" Aud"i"

so I don't beleave........."

Jaguar also wins in group test done by UK magazine, but loses all the time in tests done elsewhere

BTW "ZF製六前速自動波箱" is pretty old tech when the BMW 5 series , new 3 series and 1 series also come with ZF 8 speed auto as standard.
Anyway no one look for value in Jaguar X)
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-10-24 10:34
[#4] 2012年款XF下月抵港    
XF is one of the best( if not the best ) looking 5 seats car aound but is let down by its highish CD figure ( 0.29 ), rear seats accomodation and reliability ( running cost )
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-10-24 11:52
[#5] 2012年款XF下月抵港    
I tried Audi A6 2.8, BMW 523i, Jaguar XF 3.0 this year, my comments as below:

1. Handling
523 > XF > A6

2. Exterior
XF > 523, A6

3. Interior
XF > A6 > 523

4. Performance
A6 > 523 > XF

Yes, the gearbox and engine of XF is old technology; and it is disappointed that HK cannot import the new diesel engine of XF.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-10-24 13:45
[#6] 2012年款XF下月抵港    
"4. Performance
A6 > 523 > XF"

Eh....that's funny, never know the XF is that bad
a 3000cc lost out to both a 2800cc+CVT and a 2500cc NA pushing an even more heavy body?
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-10-24 15:25
[#7] 2012年款XF下月抵港    
Hi Hellow

I'm also surprise of the performance of XF during my test drive. But after I double check the specification of these cars, the reason of XF's performance cannot outperform the 2 rival maybe caused by (1) weight; and (2) gear box.

(1) weight: hope by interpretation of the specification is correct. The specification of the 3 model are below:

1. XF: Kerb Weight: 1,690kg
2. A6: Unladen weight: 1685kg
3. 523: Unladen weight: 1725kg

According to the above figure, it seem that XF’s weight is similar to A6 and lighter than 523. But XF is using “Kerb” weight which count the weight not loaded with either driver or luggage. Unladen weight in contrast will load the driver weight (68kg) and luggage (7kg). So the net weight of the 3 cars are:

1. XF: 1690kg
2. A6: 1685kg – 69kg – 7kg = 1609kg
3. 523: 1725kg – 69kg – 7kg = 1649kg

(Kerb weight will fill the oil tank 100% full but Unladen weight will fill the oil tank 90%, but the different is rather small and not consider in the above calculation).

XF is actually heavier than A6 and 523.

最後修改時間: 2011-10-25 01:43:20
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-10-25 01:42
[#8] 2012年款XF下月抵港    
(2) Gearbox

Yes, although the weight issue of XF, XF should have better performance than BMW 523 according to the specifications.

Yes. According to the specification the 0-100km/h in second as below:

1. XF: 8.3s
2. A6: 7.7s
3. 523: 8.5s

No doube A6 is the best performance car among the 3. And XF's performance should be slightly better than 523. But according to my test drive (same route), I found that the BMW 8-speed gearbox (ZF 8HP45) is more responsive than Jaguar's 6-speed gearbox (ZF 6HP28), especially from 2,000rpm to 2,500rpm.

Therefore, I give higher mark to 523 than XF.

Please don't think I prefer 523 than XF. I love the XF if maintenance is not an issue. Both the interior and exterior are more important than performance for this class of car.

最後修改時間: 2011-10-25 02:11:28
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-10-25 02:09
[#9] 2012年款XF下月抵港    
my friend's 1.5 years old XF is already developing body noise.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-10-26 10:03
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