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[#3] 會展中心泊車    
If you go the HKCEC during weekend, park at the Government Complex (next to the Fire Station), much cheaper and has day park. On week day, you have to be careful with HKCEC Expo Drive Parking (Phase II) since it would be transformed as an exhibition hall from time to time during Large Exhibitions like March/Sept Jewellery Show.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-05 16:36
[#2] 會展中心泊車    

The car park under the Convention Centre Phase 2 has more parking spaces. The one on Harbour Road usually filled up very quickly whenever there were big shows. There are also other parking lots in the area on Harbour Road - Shui On Centre, the government parking next to the fire station (open to the public on Sat afternoon and Sunday all day), and the Central Plaza.

最後修改時間: 2011-08-05 15:55:49
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-05 15:54
[#1] 會展中心泊車    
明天去睇HiEnd show,以往坐公共交通工具去,今年有d趕,要揸埋車去,大家有冇喺會展中心泊車?星期六/日泊車幾錢?嗰度多唔多位? Thx
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-05 14:27
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