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[#1] Tesla so ugly    
The model X looks like a fat bug. The funny part is owners put aftermarket wheels on it make it worst.
The worst are model 3. Most are Sunday drivers, their first car, they think it’s like Apple iPhone. And then some decorate their car with neon strips and thing they are driving a sports car, but they are American junk using the cheapest parts.
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-06-03 20:04
[#2] Tesla so ugly    
醜樣真喺見仁見智, 不過事實已經七年喇,無任何車廠做到TESLA做到功能, 包括完全電動車生產線,完全自動駕駛,完全簡約設計, 完全唔洗維修

PLAN A PLAN B PLAN C 維修? 聽左幾十年,聽到都作嘔


講真,啲汽油車好悶,自80年代歐洲車百花齊放 190E M3 M5...  到 90年代JDM後沉寂

利申, 我近年搾SUBARU同LEXUS,SUBARU保留90年代JDM感覺,LEXUS只當一部機器 (維修 fully covered),唔洗力無腦搾


最後修改時間: 2022-06-03 23:18:30
個人訊息 會員
2022-06-03 23:01
[#3] Tesla so ugly    
Maybe the accemply of Tesla are all automated but the reliability is very poor.
Just a quick search on the web says Tesla are quite poorly in reliability
And as for 2nd hand value, a 5 years old Tesla are worth about 40% or less vs petro cars are at least 55% to 65%.
I’m sure a 10 years old Tesla will be worth o because the battery won’t last that long.
So you don’t really save money in petro over time because they deprecate more.
Not to mention most people don’t have power station in their parking so they have to pay parking when charging their car if they can find an available space.
Electric car are also very bad for environmental because the amount of toxic generate for making the battery far outweigh the carbon save when operating.
My cars ownership includes Ford Mustang Toyota Cilica VW Golf GTI Honda Civic Mazda Astina Nassin 200sx BMW328 and now Porsche Cayman
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-06-04 01:22
[#4] Tesla so ugly    


其他ALL全部甚至全宇宙車廠只有$$$, 一點浪漫都無,咁只可以比少少$佢哋滿足我需求

最後修改時間: 2022-06-04 02:25:24
個人訊息 會員
2022-06-04 02:23
[#5] Tesla so ugly    
Plan A B C..my Subaru plan B costs me $500CAD..a big rip off. 電車好處除咗唔使畀油錢之外, 少維修係一個big selling point.
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-06-06 06:15
[#6] Tesla so ugly    
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-06-06 18:30
[#7] Tesla so ugly    
高用量超抵用,8個月行左22000KM ,未入過廠,電費一個月多幾百
一部同馬力油車最平2元1KM, 新車入廠換油2~3次,都$10000


最後修改時間: 2022-06-08 19:00:54
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-06-08 18:59
[#8] Tesla so ugly    
changing oil at garage is about $1,200 probably every 8,000 to 10,000km
so it's about $2,500 after 20,000km

a $700,000 Tesla after 5 years worth about $280,000
a $700,000 BMW after 5 years worth about $385,000

you pay the cost when you sell your car
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-06-14 13:57
[#9] Tesla so ugly    
I've used Model 3 for 2 years+ now, used to drive petrol for 2 decades, still owning a petrol car.

Maybe I'm lucky, my Tesla has 0 problem so far, the good thing about EV is that it needs near 0 maintenance. Set aside the maintenance cost, taking your car for regular maintenance is a pain in the ass, at least to me.

I didn't expect any "quality" the day I ordered a Tesla, I treat it like an iphone, won't expect it has resell value, indeed, it is really like an iphone, you can see a dozen of it on every street.

When I ordered my Tesla, I sold my 5 years old Benz, losing some $350k value, already the cost of my Model 3, so it make no difference if my Model 3 can last 5 years at $0 resell value.

If you expect keeping value or even appreciate in value, like JDM or Rolex, EV is not an option to you. EV is a commuter, you want character, go vintage cars.

最後修改時間: 2022-06-16 10:33:13
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-06-16 10:29
[#10] Tesla so ugly    
a $700,000 Tesla after 5 years worth about $280,000
a $700,000 BMW after 5 years worth about $385,000

5年BMW 38萬....??? 我試過58萬平治, 5年得返16萬..
$150萬S CLASS, 5年得返50萬
香港車越貴,.70萬拆舊會更高,而且香港計一年2萬, 5年10萬..算高咪...

換油$1200? (你一買新車就出面換油) 返原廠最平要$5~6000一次....(可以行10000)

而且我講MODEL 3 OR Y...車價唔洗40萬...
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-06-16 11:14
[#11] Tesla so ugly    
most new Japanese and German cars don't have much problem in the first 2 years too.
moving from a 5 yrs old Benz to a Tesla 3 of the same value is a downgrade, for most people at least
for a commuter a Toyota corolla or Honda Civic still holds better resell value than an EV after 5 yrs
yes Tesla especially model 3 is a commuter 'golf cart like' with an ipad and a piece of wood trim interior, not to mentioned Tesla still use hubcaps on wheels to save cost, all other brands basic cars have alloy wheels.
yes i have a 12 years old Porsche that i bought 2 years ago and have appreciate in value thank you very much!
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-06-16 11:42
[#12] Tesla so ugly    
所以開心米得~~corolla civic 係禁抵, 香港都唔會無人出啦~~

model y, 出到要年尾先有貨呀~.....人一世物一世..又唔係過世...ev點解唔試下...唔鐘意又唔係唔可以換

8810 手機...手工幾好...~家下都無人要....~
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-06-16 11:56
[#13] Tesla so ugly    
If resell value is your main concern, there’s not much to discuss, there’s always love and hate and bias.

Just like in watch category, most people would only think Rolex is the only “expensive” watch to buy, all other are rubbish.
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-06-16 12:19
[#14] Tesla so ugly    
Not having to bring the car for service every 6 months is a big deal for me. However I still can't justify to pay a premium upfront if I can get a much better gas/petrol car for the same price.

I regret not buying a Porsche too and nowadays old ones are out of reach and I have no interest in the newer models.
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-06-17 06:17
[#15] Tesla so ugly    
I think the topic says it right. Indeed all EV cars are ugly, way too ugly to be a proper car. Just that ppl tend to forgive them because of the high fuel price. For anyone who is serious about car or take a car more than necessity, none of the EV is acceptable. For me, no matter how high the gas price the EV just too hard to swallow. May be it takes a few more years they can work out a smaller battery / better layout to build a proper car. I hate to say but in a nutshell EV has no taste and it is all about practicality.
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-06-17 06:22
[#16] Tesla so ugly    
#7,係, 電動車真係慳好多, 而且Tesla 既電動車相對其他真係唔錯
阿哥最近都買左黎返工代步, 佢個頭同公司個面都有充電位, 見佢用用welab 個Tesla loan上會, 仲送個高息活期, 另外用佢地張卡去tesla充電站充電又有10%回贈
個人訊息 會員
2022-07-10 22:05
[#17] Tesla so ugly    
just found out that Tesla battery can only last 8 years regardless of mileage
the battery loose about 4% charging capacity per year
replacing the battery will cost at least $100k+labour
that's why older Tesla ie. 2015 are worth less than $200k
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-08-03 17:05
[#18] Tesla so ugly    
#17 請教師兄有乜野牌子嘅電車啲電長得過8年?

利申,我完全接受唔到 Tesla。
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-08-06 08:42
[#19] Tesla so ugly    

最後修改時間: 2022-08-11 18:44:43
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-08-11 18:41
[#20] Tesla so ugly    
個人訊息 會員
2022-08-14 17:01
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