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[#1] 紐約時報 | The New York Times 發表就香港警察濫用催淚彈之調查報告    

【紐約時報 | The New York Times 發表就香港警察濫用催淚彈之調查報告】

Firing more than 1,800 rounds of tear gas, Hong Kong police have repeatedly violated standards for safely dispersing crowds, experts said, putting protesters and bystanders in serious danger. We reviewed dozens of cases where it was used.




Using tear gas inside is dangerous, whatever the reason, experts said. But we found cases where Hong Kong police did just that. In this video, police appear to fire tear gas at protesters after they retreated to a subway station.

「專家指出,大多數由催淚彈引致嘅傷患都係源於被硬物擲中。從以下片段可見,警方施放嘅催淚彈直接擊中製片人Ryan Lai。催淚彈理應向人群邊沿,向人群膝蓋以下位置描準施放。」

Experts say that most tear gas injuries are blunt force trauma caused by a canister, and we found examples of Hong Kong police firing at people, such as freelance filmmaker Ryan Lai being struck in the head. Tear gas is meant to be used at the edge of crowds and below knee-level.

「香港警察由高處向下投擲催淚彈依種手法好有問題!『若果打中人頭部的話,佢地係有機會死架,』前華盛頓警察基金主席Jim Bueermann指出,『我真係未見過人會咁做。』」

It’s "hugely problematic" that Hong Kong police fired tear gas from above crowds, an expert said, as seen here. “If it hits someone in the head, you could kill them," said Jim Bueermann, former president of the Police Foundation in Washington. “I have never seen that before."

最後修改時間: 2019-08-19 05:39:48
個人訊息 正式會員
2019-08-19 05:39
[#2] 紐約時報 | The New York Times 發表就香港警察濫用催淚彈之調查報告    
Karma is the bitch! Those monster will pay the price very soon!
個人訊息 正式會員
2019-08-19 05:54
[#3] 紐約時報 | The New York Times 發表就香港警察濫用催淚彈之調查報告    
dllm 睇下黑警會講o羊 ?
個人訊息 正式會員
2019-08-19 13:41
[#4] 紐約時報 | The New York Times 發表就香港警察濫用催淚彈之調查報告    

Aug. 5, Admiralty

Early this month, thousands of protesters gathered outside the government headquarters as part of a general strike across Hong Kong. The demonstration was considered an unlawful assembly because it expanded beyond what was authorized by the city.

Shooting from such a position is reckless, Mr. Bueermann said, because the tear gas canisters fall to the ground at a high speed. Most canisters collected by protesters have been six-inch-round metal shells.

“I have never seen that before,” he said. “I think that is hugely problematic. If it hits someone in the head, you could kill them.”

From a distance, the police also don’t have a complete understanding of the protesters’ actions, said Dr. Rohini J. Haar, an adviser at Physicians for Human Rights, an advocacy group. “At such a height, they may not be able to discern whether protesters have become threatening.”



最後修改時間: 2019-08-19 14:01:01
個人訊息 正式會員
2019-08-19 13:55
[#5] 紐約時報 | The New York Times 發表就香港警察濫用催淚彈之調查報告    
個人訊息 會員
2019-08-19 14:00
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