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[#42] 北角海逸酒店旁假日營地    
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-01-13 18:35
[#43] 北角海逸酒店旁假日營地    
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-01-13 19:02
[#44] 北角海逸酒店旁假日營地    
Why bully the minority which doesn't affect you so much(of course, tent erection is not encouraged) yet submissive to the Authority, max. remuneration yet doing very little.(in fact, devastating) This only reflects the slavery nature of Chinese.

I lined up in a counter yesterday, the SOB in the front asked numerous questions, seemingly something wrong with her mind.(details should have been sorted out by her own) People kept silent, tolerating the incident. I shouted loud asking her to haul her ass but the 3 guys in front of me simply did nothing, though they also took advantages of the situation.(not affecting oneself direct but as a group only) Another officer suddenly came out to address other inquires. (sorted out within 1-2 minutes/person, taking cert/checking results/getting form) The SOB concerned was still there upon my leave. I am always the black sheep. These are typical of HKgers so don't stand on moral high ground.

最後修改時間: 2020-01-14 08:00:48
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-01-14 07:57
[#45] 北角海逸酒店旁假日營地    
首先要認識法律係用來令社會有序,社會由人組成,一個文明嘅社會,都會有些毋用政府規定嘅核心規則,人人刀會互相遵守,例如唔會佔領公共空間,唔去傷害其他人,唔係自己嘅財物,唔會取走或什至偷盜搶劫,唔喺公眾地方露體,有人唔遵守呢d 規則,則政府通過法律去糾正呢啲違法違規,並由執法人員去執法,違規違法使唔使每一個案刀要從嚴處理?樓主嘅傾向係每犯必控告,文明社會較傾向輕微違規可以寬鬆啲處理,勸諭犯者遵守,再犯或屢犯才票控。 至於干犯嚴重罪行,則茅呢種寛鬆態度。至於執法人員對執法嘅態度,係咪一見干犯就必須一一介入,嚴加控告呢?使唔使考慮影響社會整體情況呢?孟子離婁篇:孟子曰:「今有仁心仁聞,而民不被其澤,不可法於後世者,不行先王之道也。故曰:徒善不足以為政,徒法不能以自行。」要點係,管治社會單靠善心不行,但只靠法律亦不行,換言之,仁心與法律之間必須取得平衡
個人訊息 會員
2020-01-14 13:01
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