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[#21] 【教學】Signal 通訊軟件 保私隱必用 + 比WhatsApp更安全    
#18 #13

是咁的, 如果要有得踢人既feature, 會有好大既security risk.
1. 佢要記得邊個係group admin (呢個好大鑊)
2. 佢要有唔同既right management. 而家group內人人平等
3. 當你發現呢個人有唔妥要踢佢, 其實個group已經唔安全, 最好都係另起一個

要安全就唔可以太方便. 我同意.
如果覺得衰個wechat. 歡迎去用wechat. 所有野有晒KYC, 真係好方便. 如果你唔介意, 你係10張空白A4紙上面簽晒名, 其他野我幫你攪掂晒佢又點話丫?
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-07-06 12:26
[#22] 【教學】Signal 通訊軟件 保私隱必用 + 比WhatsApp更安全    
Telegram 應對國安法實施 暫停向香港政府提供用戶數據

自從宣佈國安法立法開始,有香港市民開始放棄個別社交平台和通訊軟件,憂慮個人資料和通訊內容被出賣。即時通訊軟件 Telegram 昨日向香港網站 HKFP 透露,因應國安法在香港實施,在國際間取得共識之前,將會暫停接受香港當局有關取得用戶數據的要求。

Telegram 應對國安法實施 暫停向香港政府提供用戶數據

Telegram 的負責人 Mke Ravdonikas 昨日向 HKFP 表示,明白到在這個環境下,保護香港用戶私隱權的重要性,因此,在國際社會就香港的政治轉變達成共識之前,Telegram 將不會處理與香港用戶有關的任何數據請求。雖然 Telegram 的使用條款中提到當接到法院命令,確認用戶屬於恐怖活動的疑犯,他們可能會向有關當局公開用戶的 IP 地址和電話號碼,但 Ravdonikas 強調 Telegram 以往從未向香港有關當局公開過任何數據。

近日有不少香港用戶對於 Telegram 產生疑慮,現在 Ravdonikas 的說法未知能否令他們放心,部份市民近日改用另一通訊軟件 Signal 以取代 WhatsApp、Messenger 和 Telegram。

個人訊息 會員
2020-07-06 12:44
[#23] 【教學】Signal 通訊軟件 保私隱必用 + 比WhatsApp更安全    


最後修改時間: 2020-07-06 13:55:23
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-07-06 13:46
[#24] 【教學】Signal 通訊軟件 保私隱必用 + 比WhatsApp更安全    

明白了, Thank you!


衰到學埋近似wechat功能咁, 真係只可以用於自己友和家人用了...


group就試下玩Telegram, 但我暫時未有認識的人用呢個軟件

個人訊息 正式會員
2020-07-06 14:57
[#25] 【教學】Signal 通訊軟件 保私隱必用 + 比WhatsApp更安全    
而家用唔用唔緊要, 最緊要乜都識啲, 用起上來唔會乜都唔知.
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-07-06 15:25
[#26] 【教學】Signal 通訊軟件 保私隱必用 + 比WhatsApp更安全    


agreed! Thank you^^

個人訊息 正式會員
2020-07-06 15:26
[#27] 【教學】Signal 通訊軟件 保私隱必用 + 比WhatsApp更安全    

Facebook will 'pause' responses to data requests from Hong Kong
A new law in China has increased internet surveillance in the region.
Nathan Ingraham Nathan Ingraham, 3h ago
China just recently imposed a new national security law on Hong Kong, a region not subject to the country’s restrictive “Great Firewall” that censors the internet throughout the country. However, legal experts believe the new law gives police the power to order individuals and companies to remove content. But despite the law, it sounds like Facebook isn’t immediately going to comply. According to the Wall Street Journal, Facebook’s WhatsApp will pause any processing of requests for user data from Hong Kong police while it reviews the new regulation. WhatsApp was the first Facebook company to confirm it wouldn’t process these government requests, but now it sounds like all of Facebook will hold off on reviewing data requests.

A WhatsApp spokesperson told the Wall Street Journal that the company was looking at the impact of the new law specifically focusing on “formal human rights due diligence and consultations with human rights experts.” Legal experts believe the new law doesn’t let Hong Kong fully block services or website, which China’s notorious “Great Firewall” does — but Facebook’s refusal to comply with the law could certainly put the company at odds with the Chinese government.

Given that Hong Kong has long lived with an open and free internet, it’ll be worth seeing if any other companies follow suit with Facebook’s refusal to comply with the new regulation. It’ll also be significant to see how China’s responds to Facebook’s decision, particularly if other companies join Facebook and push back against the new law. Last year, Apple eventually complied with China’s demands for it to remove a Hong Kong protest-tracking app, a move that was criticized as the company bowing to governmental pressure. Whether Facebook will do an eventual about-face remains to be seen.

個人訊息 正式會員
2020-07-07 01:40
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