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[#41] Canon 相機聊天室 唔係呀...係公司無部機係手...唔記得唔識答你.. 係米有simple menu 同advanced menu choice..睇說明書拉..哈哈 我由..1.0.0 up 去1.0.3 再去2.0.2 先到2.0.3 |
411 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.98 |
2006-01-05 11:18 | |
[#42] Canon 相機聊天室 411 個轉盤都轉都散 但都搵唔到奇怪 打電話去canon問 呇a話要禮C部機 我用70-200已個月都無error99 但支17-40在黑暗或反差大就出現error99 |
gryphon2004 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.228 |
2006-01-05 11:25 |
[#43] Canon 相機聊天室 禁你入下廠拉. 我無17-40 ..d人話最夾d支舊鏡.. 我支舊16~35無事..o.k. 其它買晒d for digital更加無事.. |
411 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.98 |
2006-01-05 11:32 |
[#44] Canon 相機聊天室 I'm using 300D, 24-70 and 70-200mm, and only a new hand for DSLR. |
NEC 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.69 |
2006-01-05 11:33 |
[#45] Canon 相機聊天室 報到 小弟用1DIIN |
ahgama 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.246 |
2006-01-05 11:44 |
[#46] Canon 相機聊天室 Hi Why, I have the same problem with one of my two T90s. I understand this is a common problem with the design of T90, especially if you don't use it for a while. My case is a bit strange, it stopped while I was shooting it. How much did you pay for the repair service. If you go to http://www.mir.com.my/rb/photography/hardwares/classics/canont90/index.htm and search "shutter problem", you can find possible ways to cure this problem, which unfortunately does not work in my case. If you find any place that can repair it cheaply, please also let me know as I don't want to spend too much on my T90 as the problem can come back again. I used to carry two T90s but now I have to use my F1s as back-up, which are very heavy. So, I do think that F1 will last longer than and is more reliable than t90. Canon FD lens are as far as I know better than EOS optical quality and they are now cheap. People can consider them as a inferiro but cheaper and mroe versatile Leica system. |
jameswong2002 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.54 |
2006-01-05 11:54 |
[#47] Canon 相機聊天室 Sorry to avoid causing arguments. when I said FD is better than EOS otpically, I should have said that this applies to cheap or earlier EOS lens, probably not to expensive and newer models any more. |
jameswong2002 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.54 |
2006-01-05 12:03 |
[#48] Canon 相機聊天室 大家好, 我之前用EOS5 + 85 1.8 + 75-300 4-5.6, 幾年前一炮過賣晒, 現用S50. ^^ |
cheeseman 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.252 |
2006-01-05 12:09 |
[#49] Canon 相機聊天室 cheeseman I got same set, I really like 85mm |
leicaholic 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.158 |
2006-01-05 12:15 |
[#50] Canon 相機聊天室 我部5仔重健在..10年有多拉.. |
411 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.98 |
2006-01-05 12:17 |
[#51] Canon 相機聊天室 我部已經沽o左 |
leicaholic 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.158 |
2006-01-05 12:19 |
[#52] Canon 相機聊天室 我用得好舊..個時有用來同人影下結婚 賺下錢用來生活 我3年前 當年100% work.. 家下都100%work 上internet 賣$800條友都呀支呀左.. 放返入櫃算數..有時都要影下17mm.. |
411 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.98 |
2006-01-05 12:23 |
[#53] Canon 相機聊天室 Hi James, Can you let me the detailed link ? Ths! |
why 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.136 |
2006-01-05 12:32 |
[#54] Canon 相機聊天室 leicaholic, 我都好鍾意支85 1.8, 當年主要愛黎影我老細, 自從結左婚, 生埋個女之後吾想屎搹h野出街, 咪放晒妎R部傻瓜機, 方便d嘛. ^^ |
cheeseman 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.252 |
2006-01-05 12:36 |
[#55] Canon 相機聊天室 I am still use old Canon FD system : Three bodies : Old F-1; AE-1; and Ftb QL. Canon FD lenses : 24mm f2.8; 35mm f2.0 ssc ; 50mm f1.8 sc ; 35-70mm f2.8/3.5 (a very good zoom); 200mm f2.8 ssc. Other lenses for my Canon FD system : Pentax M42 Super Takumar 28mm f3.5 (better than old NAI Nikon 28mm f3.5) ; Pentax M42 SMC Takumar 105mm f2.8 (better than famous Nikon 105mm f2.5); Tamron SP 70-210mm. |
rickymartin 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.252 |
2006-01-05 12:48 |
[#56] Canon 相機聊天室 Hi Why, click the link in my message above and click search at the lower right hand corner on the page. Then type "shutter problem". There may be a lot of results. Sorry that it may take long to search for the needed info. |
jameswong2002 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.54 |
2006-01-05 19:04 |
[#57] Canon 相機聊天室 我用ixus digital cam....算唔算呀?! |
懞面超人 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.204 |
2006-01-05 20:39 |
[#58] Canon 相機聊天室 Hi James, I paid $800 around 2 yrs ago to Canon Centre while it located at Tsim Sha Tsui. I did with your hints but it did not show the topic inside and no reply? Ths! |
why 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.177 |
2006-01-05 22:36 |
[#59] Canon 相機聊天室 -.-;; 其實FD lens 俾EOS 靚得多, 所以2手市價仲好貴 |
zequin 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.109 |
2006-01-05 23:27 |
[#60] Canon 相機聊天室 我唔係好sure, 好似鏡頭有壽命, 會oxide. 由其瑩石鏡 |
leicaholic 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.158 |
2006-01-06 07:22 |