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[#21] 英倫博客日誌...............    
chi 大? 係咪你?
個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-14 00:49
[#22] 英倫博客日誌...............    
Dear Somonica,

Good evening.

個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-14 01:06
[#23] 英倫博客日誌...............    

早輪見唔到你心情差左壹大輪耶。。。 ◑︿◐
個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-14 01:09
[#24] 英倫博客日誌...............    
I am sorry.

Did you have a good time in Barcelona?

It must have been more than 30 years when I first stayed in Barcelona.

I remember my friend's son worked as a translator for Jacky Chan when he made his first movie in Spain.

I then left Spain for the UK later.

最後修改時間: 2013-08-14 02:09:37
個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-14 02:00
[#26] 英倫博客日誌...............    
This is the Greepeace Sirius. Their flagship Rainbow Warrior was sunk by the French later.

個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-14 02:14
[#27] 英倫博客日誌...............    
chi 大,巴菜第貳廁去了,北姑金廁玩鳥其它巧多地方呢。。。

鴉, 重有位屎過番生大大係鼠耶!∩__∩

個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-14 02:18
[#28] 英倫博客日誌...............    
I believe enough blood has been shed. Tension and confrontations are in every corner of the city. I think people need a oasis now.

One who has power to demolish is to control not to demolish.

個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-14 03:45
[#29] 英倫博客日誌...............    
BBC Proms is part of the institution and it always a joy to be part of it. Unfortunately it's not possible to attend every concert though being inside the Royal Albert Hall is some experience.

All is not lost thanks to BBC as we can now watch it live through their exclusive broadcasting(I guess why they me so much for the TV License!!).

In the past I have watched Midori and so far this year we had the "Bad Boy" Nigel Kennedy.

What I really am looking forwards to see is Uchida performing Beethoven Piano Concerto No.4.

最後修改時間: 2013-08-14 05:08:26
個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-14 05:06
[#30] 英倫博客日誌...............    
It's funny that I have not heard her Beethoven live in the past.

Her Mozart is no doubt my favourite and her Beethoven is no exception.

個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-14 05:11
[#31] 英倫博客日誌...............    
Those wongkees have retired. Somehow dim sum in the UK taste better than HK. I like those down to earth Brits food such as Cornish pastry, steak pie,Highland vegetable soup, prawn cocktail sandwich, roast beef with horseredish sandwich.
個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-14 11:33
[#32] 英倫博客日誌...............    
Last time I visited Wong Kee about 2 years ago, their service seemed to be a lot better. On the other hand, my friends there prefer to go to a small restaurant at Shaftesbury Avenue called 羊城 which offer better value food and better service.
個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-14 11:52
[#33] 英倫博客日誌...............    
I have family members coming to visit me from both Hong Kong and Australia every now and then. One thing I notice is that they all agree that the Dim Sum standard is pretty high here in the UK at the moment. They also comment that it isn't the case in the past. I am quite curious as I thought that surely HK has to be No.1 and my colleagues once worked in Australia also prised the Chinese food is much better than here in the UK.

What's going right here in the UK then?

個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-15 04:42
[#34] 英倫博客日誌...............    
Talking to the Dim Sum restaurant owner whom I have know for more than 20 years since the day they opened the take-away in our village and they told me that thanks to the gradual increase of the Chinese students in our universities.

These are no ordinary Chinese students like the old days who had to work part time jobs to subsidize their living. These are those coming from a wealthy background and can afford to have Dim Sum on regular basics. As a matter of fact that they eat well back home in China and subsequently they do know what requires a good Dim Sum or Chinese restaurant. So much so that my friend has to hire two Dim Sum master chefs and a cuisine master chef.

I must say they have a point as they just acquired the closed down English pub in the next property and they expand from a 10-table small den to a massive restaurant. The place is always packed with many young cousins from the Motherland.

最後修改時間: 2013-08-15 04:59:36
個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-15 04:54
[#35] 英倫博客日誌...............    
Starting holiday with a day out in a local arts and crafts village and we had a game of some "crazy golf" and 2-P(Penny) machines.

Sometimes we only need some simple things and the whole family would get much closer.

最後修改時間: 2013-08-15 05:57:55
個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-15 05:52
[#36] 英倫博客日誌...............    
chi 大早。


個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-15 10:07
[#37] 英倫博客日誌...............    
禾最近一次到英國都是十年前的事了,當時倫敦唐人街的點心已經好過好多香港的茶樓,還碰見李國寶在同一餐館用膳,比2x-30年前我初到時的好上千百倍,當時禾都在唐餐館做過點心幫工賺生活費。十年前也跟本地朋友去過旺記食碟頭飯,當時他們鍾意食三燒飯(3樣燒味),2x年前旺記出名椒鹽豬扒飯載帽(加荷包蛋)同豆腐羹,味精多得很,當時倫敦唐人街平價餐館名句:旺記好旺,庸記好"容"(碟頭大),雞記好"雞"(食完會肚痛),不過唔知現在隨了旺記,其餘二間還在嗎?2x年前的學生最鍾意去 Shaftesbury Avenue 的羊城,出各雲吞好大隻,又有豆腐火腩飯夠飽肚,價錢只貴旺記少許,但服務好好多,又坐得耐些,禾相信轉了很多次手了。倫敦的確給我許多回憶,可惜當時影相貴,影得不多,而且禾還沒有把它們數碼化。

Thanks chi大,do you have any very old photos of London?
個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-15 10:39
[#38] 英倫博客日誌...............    
依家大半條 Chinatown 已比大陸人攻佔,三間羊城都變得好緊要, 食碟頭飯都係去番旺記, D waiters 佢家知你用廣東話 order 服務好好多, 唔同以前。 Soho 就由紅燈區變成食街+基吧。
個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-15 19:23
[#39] 英倫博客日誌...............    
........do you have any very old photos of London?

I may have many but I have to dig into my old photo albums and convert them later.

最後修改時間: 2013-08-17 20:31:53
個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-17 20:28
[#40] 英倫博客日誌...............    
When young I was always looking forwards to festivals, not only the main festivals, like Chinese New Year or Mid Autumn Festival but also the local custom celebrations.

Growing up in the village in NT we always had different kinds of celebrations and these proved to hold the community much closer and happier. It's like one big family and we look out for each other without saying it. We didn't need to go far to get support and the spirit was high.

Fast forward to now I am glad that I find this spirit again from where I live.

Every Summer we hold our own village fete to raise fund to support our young football teams and other good causes.

最後修改時間: 2013-08-17 20:49:05
個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-17 20:47
[#41] 英倫博客日誌...............    
There is no high tech show or big names but some local potential artists.....

最後修改時間: 2013-08-17 20:50:54
個人訊息 正式會員
2013-08-17 20:50
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