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[#1] U.S. curbs visas for Chinese officials    
U.S. curbs visas for Chinese officials over Hong Kong freedoms: Pompeo
David Brunnstrom


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Friday Washington was imposing visa restrictions on Chinese officials responsible for restricting freedoms in Hong Kong, but he did not name any of those targeted.

The move comes ahead of a three-day meeting of China's parliament from Sunday expected to enact new national security legislation for Hong Kong that has alarmed foreign governments and democracy activists.

The U.S. visa restrictions apply to "current and former" Chinese Communist Party officials “believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy,” Pompeo said, without naming them.

Last month, President Donald Trump responded to China'ss plans by saying he was initiating a process to eliminate special economic treatment that has allowed Hong Kong to remain a global financial center since its handover by Britain in 1997.

Pompeo's announcement represents the first concrete U.S. step in response to China's moves, but Bonnie Glaser, an Asia expert at Washington's Center for Strategic and International Studies, said visa restrictions were largely symbolic and the fact that no names were given could lessen their impact.

A State Department spokeswoman said relatives of designees could also be barred. A Bloomberg columnist quoted a department official as saying the number of officials targeted was "in the single digits.”

Chinese embassy spokeswoman Fang Hong said China "opposes the U.S. side's wrongful decisions,” and added that China's legislation targeted only “a very narrow category of acts that seriously jeopardize national security.”

"We urge the U.S. to immediately correct its mistakes, withdraw the decisions and stop interfering in China's domestic affairs,” she said.

Wall Street's major indexes tumbled on Friday after a Wall Street Journal article said U.S. “meddling” on issues like Hong Kong and Taiwan could jeopardize Chinese purchases under a Phase 1 trade deal Trump agreed with China in January, spooking investors already worried about a surge in coronavirus cases.

Pompeo's announcement comes at a time of intensified U.S. rhetoric against Beijing as Trump campaigns for re-election. Opinion polls have shown voters increasingly embittered toward China, especially over the coronavirus, which began there.

"President Trump promised to punish the Chinese Communist Party officials who were responsible for eviscerating Hong Kong's freedoms. Today, we are taking action to do just that,” Pompeo said.

He accused China of pressuring local authorities to arrest pro-democracy activists and disqualify electoral candidates, and added: “The United States will continue to review its authorities to respond to these concerns.”

Pompeo said last week Washington would treat Hong Kong as a Chinese city rather than an autonomous one to the extent that China treated the territory as a Chinese city. He said Hong Kong elections due in September would show China's intentions.

On Thursday, the U.S. Senate approved a bill that would impose mandatory sanctions on people or companies that back efforts to restrict Hong Kong’s autonomy. It includes secondary sanctions on banks that do business with anyone backing any crackdown on the territory's autonomy.

A Hong Kong government spokesman called the legislation unacceptable, China's official Xinhua news agency said.

Reporting by Lisa Lambert and David Brunnstrom; Editing by Jonathan Oatis, Richard Chang and Daniel Wallis

淨係針對中共官員 (Communist Officials) ,仲要 "single digit" 人數,又唔開名,冇乜料到喎!

最後修改時間: 2020-06-27 07:15:53
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-06-27 07:15
[#2] U.S. curbs visas for Chinese officials    

【港版國安法】蓬佩奧:對損害香港高度自治中共官員 實施入境簽證限制





美國參議院周四一致通過《香港自治法案》(Hong Kong Autonomy Act),呼籲制裁支持中國限制香港自治的人或公司。特區政府發言人周五(26日)晚上回應美國《香港自治法案》,指當中提及美國國會對香港事務的評論,「許多具有嚴重誤導性,更毫無事實根據」;法案的「制裁」對香港金融機構不具法律效力,港府促美方以負責任態度行事,避免採取可能會影響金融機構正常運作及客戶的舉動,聲稱如何在港落實一國兩制是中國內部事務,任何其他國家或國會都無權干預。
個人訊息 會員
2020-06-27 07:35
[#3] U.S. curbs visas for Chinese officials    
個人訊息 會員
2020-06-27 08:10
[#4] U.S. curbs visas for Chinese officials    
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-06-27 08:25
[#5] U.S. curbs visas for Chinese officials    
【港區國安法】蓬佩奧:將向損害港高度自治中共官員 實施簽證限制

環球政治 08:44 2020/06/27







最後修改時間: 2020-06-27 09:43:42
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-06-27 09:43
[#6] U.S. curbs visas for Chinese officials    

多謝拳哥, 拳哥話:「港公僕亦是中國特區公僕。在一國兩制下,香港作為國家特別行政區,香港公務員同樣是「中華人民共和國香港特別行政區政府的公務員」。」
Ming Sir
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-06-27 10:13
[#7] U.S. curbs visas for Chinese officials    
[#6] 香港班官多得佢唔少。另一身份係國家公務員,今次仆街了!
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-06-27 13:03
[#8] U.S. curbs visas for Chinese officials    
個人訊息 會員
2020-06-27 13:15
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