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[#45] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? #44 全世界大約80-90%藥物原材料都係同一國家生產 日本本土藥除外 重有其他好特別的生物製劑都唔係 地球共同體 |
arcet![]() 49.xxx.xxx.59 |
2024-02-29 20:09 | |
[#46] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? #41 0925兄, 多謝告之. 只覺食咗政府血壓藥會脚腫,又肯換藥,覺得唔好又換番,昨日去攞其中半次藥血壓藥又改咗包裝。 呢幾年每4個月驗血覆診希望腎無事。 e+醫生好好,因試停一隻藥、攞其中半次藥時來電問有無乜嘢唔舒服等,好詳細。 最後修改時間: 2024-02-29 20:26:21 |
S.Chan![]() 168.xxx.xxx.6 |
2024-02-29 20:14 |
[#47] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? S.Chan兄, 女親戚有個老死(肥女人)食咗政府俾血壓藥拾年,個腎衰退至 stage 3b,轉睇腎科,醫生話佢隻血壓藥傷腎,轉藥食咗一個星期后突然休克心臓停頓,救返但係要裝心臓起搏器,而家得半條人命,如果有驗血驗尿,自己睇一睇份報告,睇下個 eGFR result。 ![]() 以前做 part-time 的同事食政府俾血壓藥9年,昨天問佢政府有冇幫佢驗血驗尿,佢話上個月驗咗,負責俾血壓藥佢個私家醫生話冇嘢,我叫佢揾仔女幫佢睇下個 report,原來已 stage 3a。 最後修改時間: 2024-02-29 20:54:01 |
0925![]() 218.xxx.xxx.56 |
2024-02-29 20:46 |
[#48] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? 0925兄, thanks, 下次問吓醫生先。 |
S.Chan![]() 168.xxx.xxx.6 |
2024-02-29 20:51 |
[#49] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? #925先生,請問傷賢個隻血壓藥係邊隻?我食左simvastatin都有十年多,但少驗血,吾知個賢傷曬未?有d驚. 但吾食又會血壓膠、點搞好? 搞錯,原來醫生又有俾個隻 Amlodipine, 可能呢隻先係血壓藥 最後修改時間: 2024-02-29 22:20:06 |
Totocrazy![]() 78.xxx.xxx.143 |
2024-02-29 22:10 |
[#50] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? Totocrazy兄, 女親戚個老死我唔識,舊同事話食緊 Atenolol,網上未見有話對腎有傷害。 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=simvastatin+drug+class Simvastatin is in a class of medications called HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins). It works by slowing the production of cholesterol in the body to decrease the amount of cholesterol that may build up on the walls of the arteries and block blood flow to the heart, brain, and other parts of the body 似乎 simvastatin 唔傷腎 https://www.bowtie.com.hk/blog/zh/%E6%B0%A8%E6%B0%AF%E5%9C%B0%E5%B9%B3/ 【Amlodipine/氨氯地平】 高血壓患者:可以幫助控制血壓,預防中風、心臟病和腎病 心絞痛患者:可用於預防心絞痛,提升運動能力,並降低心絞痛發作頻率 過量服食氨氯地平,可能會出現排尿困難、肌肉震顫、頭痛、眩暈、嗜睡、口乾、噁心、嘔吐等症狀 最後修改時間: 2024-02-29 22:41:20 |
0925![]() 218.xxx.xxx.56 |
2024-02-29 22:21 |
[#51] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=is+Atenolol+harmful+to+kidney Can beta-blockers cause kidney damage? It seems likely that beta-blockers reduce renal function predominantly by blocking beta 2-receptors in the kidney. Does atenolol need renal adjustment? Renal Dosing Atenolol is excreted by the kidneys; consequently dosage should be adjusted in cases of severe impairment of renal function. Does atenolol increase creatinine? With ramipril treatment urinary albumin creatinine ratio (14.4 vs 13.8 mg/mmol) and creatinine clearance (82 vs 84 ml/min) were constant, but with atenolol an increase of albumin creatinine ratio (13.9 vs 19 mg/mmol, p < 0.001) and a slight decrease of creatinine clearance (80 vs 66 ml/min, p < 0.05, not significant ... Why is atenolol not preferred? Atenolol may underperform Although atenolol is one of the most commonly prescribed beta-blockers due to its low cost and once-daily dosing, it may be the least effective. https://www.kidney-international.org/article/S0085-2538(15)51873-5/fulltext#secst0015 Beta blockers in the management of chronic kidney disease The sympathetic nervous system modulates renal function through its receptors namely β1 (cardiac output and renin release), α1 (systemic and renovascular constriction), and β2 renovascular dilation. Sympathetic overactivity is commonly seen in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is an important contributor to increasing the risk of cardiovascular events as well as increasing renal disease progression. Recent evaluations of drug use in people with CKD shows a remarkably low percentage of patients receiving β-blockers, especially in more advanced stage CKD when cardiovascular risk is higher. This is in large part due to tolerability of these agents. Moreover, water-soluble β-blockers such as atenolol and metoprolol are dialyzable and require supplementation to avoid exacerbation of arrhythmias following dialysis. Newer vasodilating β-blockers have better tolerability and different effects on renal hemodynamics as well as metabolic variables. These effects are related to the relative α1-blocking effect of agents such as carvedilol and labetolol, with carvedilol having relatively greater α-blocking effects. Few studies evaluate β-blockers on cardiovascular risk in CKD patients. Studies with carvedilol demonstrate attenuated increases in albuminuria as well as reduction in cardiovascular events in CKD patients with hypertension. This paper reviews the animal and clinical trial data that evaluate β-blockers in CKD highlighting the vasodilating β-blockers. It is apparent that greater use of this drug class for blood pressure control would further enhance reduction of risk of heart failure, the most common cause of death in the first year of starting dialysis. 最後修改時間: 2024-02-29 22:59:56 |
0925![]() 218.xxx.xxx.56 |
2024-02-29 22:58 |
[#52] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? simvastatin係降膽固醇藥物,食咗幾個月我知有機會傷肝、胰之後就冇食。 |
沉默的膏蟹![]() 1.xxx.xxx.222 |
2024-02-29 23:01 |
[#53] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? Not exactly harming liver direct but blocking the channel which produces both CHOL and coenzyme Q10. If no supplement of latter, having Statin is even worse wrt heart attack. In reality, CHOL is not anything bad. Only oxidation of LDL is. 最後修改時間: 2024-03-01 06:28:52 |
alexanderkoo![]() 223.xxx.xxx.179 |
2024-03-01 06:28 |
[#54] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? 睇 youtube 腎科醫生話 CoQ10 對降血壓和保腎有幫助。 ![]() 最後修改時間: 2024-03-01 09:38:53 |
0925![]() 218.xxx.xxx.56 |
2024-03-01 09:35 |
[#55] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? 我試緊食靈芝降血壓, 靈芝對腎亦好 . |
沉默的膏蟹![]() 1.xxx.xxx.222 |
2024-03-01 09:42 |
[#56] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? Wife is having such brand(oil based for easy absorption), good for teeth disease, periodontitis.牙週病 No more tooth ache since then. Myself, having this from 2 days ago due to other reason. 最後修改時間: 2024-03-01 09:44:49 |
alexanderkoo![]() 14.xxx.xxx.78 |
2024-03-01 09:43 |
[#57] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? 如果冇記錯,腎科醫生話 Omega 3 對改善血管硬化、降血壓和保腎有幫助,不過要食 2000mg / day。 ![]() 最後修改時間: 2024-03-01 09:51:46 |
0925![]() 218.xxx.xxx.56 |
2024-03-01 09:51 |
[#58] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? 要留意 靈芝 對個胃有負擔。 |
Dlbf![]() 14.xxx.xxx.228 |
2024-03-01 09:53 |
[#59] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? 得罪講句,而家邊有深海魚油啊 成個太平洋啲魚都食緊輻射 近至日本美國西岸California 有得揀,真係唔好亂食魚油丸 唯一可以信賴嘅魚油丸,FDA approved 信得過的係 vascepa 含有Concentrated EPA 香港都重未有得賣 反而台灣同國內應該已經有供應 坊間嘅Omega 3 食之前真係要諗一諗 |
arcet![]() 49.xxx.xxx.105 |
2024-03-01 11:03 |
[#60] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? https://www.healthgrades.com/drugs/vascepa Vascepa is a brand-name medication. It contains the active drug icosapent ethyl, which is also available in a generic form. A generic is an identical copy of the active drug found in a brand-name medication. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ensures that generic drugs are as safe and effective as their original drug. Generics tend to be less expensive than brand-name drugs. If you’d like to know about taking the generic version of Vascepa, ask your doctor or pharmacist. They can tell you if the generic medication comes in forms and strengths recommended for your condition. Vascepa: Side effects As with most drugs, it’s possible to have side effects with Vascepa. These can include some mild side effects, but also some serious ones. To learn more about Vascepa’s side effects, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. They may also provide information about managing certain side effects of this drug. Note: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tracks side effects of drugs it has approved. If you would like to notify the FDA about a side effect you’ve had with Vascepa, you can do so through MedWatch. Mild and serious side effects Mild and serious side effects of Vascepa are listed in the table below. This table does not include all of Vascepa’s possible side effects. ![]() * This is not a complete list of Vascepa’s mild side effects. To learn about other mild side effects of this drug, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Or you can view the drug’s prescribing information. † For more information about this side effect, see “Vascepa’s side effects explained” below. Most times, mild side effects of a drug go away within a few days or a couple of weeks. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist if any side effects become severe or don’t go away. Serious side effects from Vascepa aren’t common, but they are possible. If you have serious side effects, call your doctor right away. However, if you’re having a medical emergency or your symptoms feel life threatening, call 911 or a local emergency number. Vascepa’s side effects explained Below, you can find detailed information about some of Vascepa’s side effects. To learn more about other side effects of this medication, talk with your doctor. Heart rhythm problems, such as atrial fibrillation Treatment with Vascepa can cause heart rhythm problems, such as atrial fibrillation (AFib). The drug can also cause a heart rhythm problem called atrial flutter. In rare cases, some people who took Vascepa in clinical studies needed treatment in the hospital due to a heart rhythm problem. Most people who took Vascepa in the studies didn’t have heart rhythm problems, though. To learn more about how often this side effect occurred in clinical studies, see the drug’s prescribing information. Symptoms of heart rhythm issues can include: discomfort in your chest dizziness or lightheadedness fainting palpitations (feeling that your heart is beating irregularly, pounding, racing, or skipping beats) shortness of breath You have a higher risk of heart rhythm problems with Vascepa if you’ve had AFib or atrial flutter in the past. What to do Call your doctor right away if you notice symptoms of heart rhythm problems while taking Vascepa. However, if your symptoms feel life threatening, call 911 or your local emergency number or go to the closest emergency room. If your doctor confirms that you’re having a heart rhythm problem with Vascepa, they may suggest you stop taking the drug. Your doctor can discuss alternative treatment options with you. Before starting Vascepa, let your doctor know if you’ve had a heart rhythm condition in the past. Muscle pain Muscle pain is a possible side effect of Vascepa. However, most people who took Vascepa in clinical studies didn’t report this side effect. To learn more about how often this side effect occurred in clinical studies, see the drug’s prescribing information. It’s important to note that muscle pain was more common in people who took Vascepa in combination with a statin. Statins are known to cause muscle pain as a side effect. What to do Talk with your doctor if you experience muscle pain while taking Vascepa. If you’re taking Vascepa with a statin, your doctor may suggest any of the following: lowering the dosage of the statin switching to a different statin stopping treatment with Vascepa If your doctor believes Vascepa is the cause of your muscle pain, they’ll likely suggest you stop taking this medication. Gout Some people have gout as a side effect of Vascepa. This wasn’t common in the drug’s clinical studies, though. To learn more about how often this side effect occurred in clinical studies, see the drug’s prescribing information. Gout is a type of arthritis that affects your joints, most commonly in the big toe. It can also affect your fingers, elbows, wrists, ankles, and other joints. Symptoms of gout can include any of the following around a joint: burning inflammation pain discoloration stiffness What to do If you notice symptoms of gout while taking Vascepa, call your doctor. They may suggest a treatment for your symptoms, such as colchicine (Colcrys). They may also recommend that you apply a cold compress to the affected joint. Additionally, your doctor may advise that you stop treatment with Vascepa. They can discuss alternative treatment options with you. 最後修改時間: 2024-03-01 11:30:52 |
0925![]() 218.xxx.xxx.56 |
2024-03-01 11:29 |
[#61] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? #57 + 1 https://www.iherb.com/pr/california-gold-nutrition-omega-3-premium-fish-oil-240-fish-gelatin-softgels/86598?utm_source=message_center&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=purchase_confirmv2&utm_content=body_product_link Description California Gold Nutrition® Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil Featuring Globally-Sourced, Highly-Refined Fish Oil Concentrated and Molecularly Distilled Supports Overall Immune Health* Helps to Maintain Optimal Lipid Profile* Formulated without Gluten, GMOs, or Soy Produced in a 3rd Party Audited cGMP Registered (Certified) Facility 100% Gold Guarantee Omega-3 fatty acids are one type of “good fat” found in many fish sources that your body can use to support various functions. California Gold Nutrition Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil contains multiple omega-3s, including DHA and EPA, which can help you get plenty of these nutrients daily, promoting the health of many systems in the body.* Benefits of Omega-3 Supplements When you aren’t able to add enough omega-3s to your diet via food, a daily supplement can help you maintain sufficient levels of good fat. Doing so has been associated with maintaining an optimal lipid profile.* In addition, adequate omega-3 intake is thought to provide other health benefits, such as a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, healthy brain function, and support of overall immune health.* California Gold Nutrition Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil is molecularly distilled and features 180 mg EPA and 120 mg DHA per capsule of globally-sourced, highly-refined, and concentrated natural fish oil that meets strict quality control standards. The fish gelatin softgels are porcine and bovine free and manufactured in California, USA with internationally sourced ingredients. Suggested use Take 2 softgels daily, with food. Best when taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. Other ingredients Main Ingredients Fish Oil Concentrate Other Ingredients Fish Gelatin Softgel (Gelatin [from Tilapia], Vegetable Glycerin, Purified Water) and Vitamin E (<0.1% as Mixed Tocopherols). Contains: Fish (Anchovy, Mackerel, and/or Sardine) The Fish Oil concentrate used in our Omega-3 softgels is manufactured under strict quality control standards and tested for contaminants (e.g., heavy metals [mercury], PCB's, dioxins, and other impurities). Our Fish Gelatin Softgels are manufactured in California, USA with domestic and internationally sourced ingredients. Not manufactured with milk, eggs, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, sesame, or gluten. Produced in an FDA-registered, third-party audited, and cGMP-compliant facility that may process other products that contain these allergens or ingredients. iTested Verified ![]() 最後修改時間: 2024-03-01 11:37:19 |
0925![]() 218.xxx.xxx.56 |
2024-03-01 11:36 |
[#62] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? 期待睇#59位師兄回覆。。 |
Dlbf![]() 223.xxx.xxx.176 |
2024-03-01 12:35 |
[#63] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? Omega 3我食開磷蝦油, 其實啲魚係邊度嚟好難知, 重點係魚油相對冇咁穩定, 比較容易變壞, 所以我食磷蝦油. |
沉默的膏蟹![]() 1.xxx.xxx.222 |
2024-03-01 12:46 |
[#64] 想買血壓計, 有冇好介紹? Del 最後修改時間: 2024-03-01 12:47:37 |
沉默的膏蟹![]() 1.xxx.xxx.222 |
2024-03-01 12:46 |