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[#441] DIY 天堂 219 but don't expect too much even for higher priced one. |
alexanderkoo 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.179 |
2024-02-28 07:50 | |
[#442] DIY 天堂 一縷炊煙兄, 仲用得 Hilti 的確利害! 最後修改時間: 2024-02-28 08:43:34 |
0925 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.119 |
2024-02-28 08:34 |
[#443] DIY 天堂 Bosch but comments are conflicting and confusing. Maybe related to depth of embedding. https://www.amazon.com/Bosch-GMS-120-Digital-Multi-Scanner/dp/B004TACMZ8/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_maf_1?crid=TNGZKZF5IB2R&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.0tm_MHi0aY629NXao8kXzru90-0xjs6fg8DLTCEKygqLfYlFlGOafHT-QWmCxnKfMcKQFg9R5e7mUqbvBvq6GoYzmxMelOf4L7YBr5-Aag6kVsyN5YpqoB1dBkLFsaeZgMcqvV8Bwyin-2EOXEuKwLLHz7epov3PZmApeiDES5s3ThcKpkn71zOrU50ShhHDNcqb5Y_QC_nfejSq-5yIXA.ifcRxpVTa5KDgC-GP51lgaMfL8vtad_67Wa8bmLgMkM&dib_tag=se&keywords=bosch+cable+detector&qid=1709078853&sprefix=bosch+cable+dete%2Caps%2C434&sr=8-1#aw-udpv3-customer-reviews_feature_div |
alexanderkoo 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.179 |
2024-02-28 09:09 |
[#444] DIY 天堂 |
0925 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.56 |
2024-03-01 10:04 |
[#446] DIY 天堂 |
0925 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.147 |
2024-03-04 15:32 |
[#447] DIY 天堂 請問舊式衣櫃門路軌邊度有賣? |
lym 正式會員 194.xxx.xxx.8 |
2024-03-05 08:49 |
[#448] DIY 天堂 #447 冇記錯好多舊式五金舖有,一大卷鋸開要求的長度。 Amazon US 特價。 最後修改時間: 2024-03-05 09:05:07 |
0925 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.64 |
2024-03-05 09:04 |
[#449] DIY 天堂 Smart toilet seat (made in Korea )has been working in village house for some time. Intended to replace whole toilet but low level drain and lots of work. $1500 from Amazon (plus shipment, bought two) 115V only so would need min.800W transformer.(RMB 100) Not simply size in terms of width and length but most crucial dimension is toilet mounting hole to tank front, though the seat has a range of sliding adjustment. Otherwise, not usable if not fit at all. Of course, fresh water source is required but no problem for fresh water flushing, simply add a tee. 最後修改時間: 2024-03-05 09:26:23 |
alexanderkoo 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.47 |
2024-03-05 09:19 |
[#450] DIY 天堂 >>#447 冇記錯好多舊式五金舖有,一大卷鋸開要求的長度。 咁我行過問問。 Thx。 |
lym 正式會員 194.xxx.xxx.53 |
2024-03-05 10:06 |
[#451] DIY 天堂 #449 fresh water source is required but no problem for fresh water flushing, simply add a tee. T 管要裝高位,落去馬桶的水管要拉長分段裝最少兩個單向閥防止來水食水被污染。 |
0925 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.64 |
2024-03-05 10:30 |
[#452] DIY 天堂 日本城4頭拖板$100三排,需然唔係楓葉牌,都抵過自己整。 |
new68u 會員 59.xxx.xxx.230 |
2024-03-06 07:59 |
[#453] DIY 天堂 #451 Non-return mentioned on Taobao when buying toilet inlet valve.I am not sure whether it's necessary since the toilet seat has a tank for storage, viz break pressure, not instantaneous heating. The existing toilet flushing pipe has no such non-return. Syphon effect, not sure. But having reverse osmosis filtering unit for drinking. |
alexanderkoo 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.170 |
2024-03-06 08:09 |
[#454] DIY 天堂 #452 呢個 Super 唔知同 Super Star 、Winstar 有冇關係,因為呢兩隻質量好差,好多年前用過,佢用碎口料啤膠殼,脆和易爛,拆開睇銅片好薄冇彈力(應該係回收雜銅),L & N 導片距離太近,膠支架冇 "火箭脚" 一爛就短路。 |
0925 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.55 |
2024-03-06 08:13 |
[#455] DIY 天堂 Another toilet is having dual source of supply, salt and fresh water. Incorporation of non-returns is a must. 最後修改時間: 2024-03-06 08:30:35 |
alexanderkoo 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.170 |
2024-03-06 08:30 |
[#456] DIY 天堂 #454 謝謝資料,剛再去望下,啲睇確實係流流地。 |
new68u 會員 59.xxx.xxx.230 |
2024-03-06 11:30 |
[#457] DIY 天堂 new68u兄唔駛客氣,豐業好用,用幾拾年都未試過有獨立開關、燈和 socket 位出問題,我鐘意幾拾蚊買個有獨立開關2 ~ 8位拖板回來銲條 2.5mm 平方電源線再自己駁插蘇,一勞永逸。 覺得接線柱個窿唔夠深,銲穩陣好多 加個 20A EMI filter 最後修改時間: 2024-03-06 11:53:30 |
0925 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.55 |
2024-03-06 11:41 |
[#458] DIY 天堂 個設計係要用一條有長咀的 usb-c 頭至插得入,跟機條線個咀都唔夠長 contact INT "撥" 大佢 OK 最後修改時間: 2024-03-06 14:45:12 |
0925 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.55 |
2024-03-06 14:42 |
[#459] DIY 天堂 #447 度左大細係淘記買左金屬軌。 |
lym 正式會員 194.xxx.xxx.11 |
2024-03-11 16:40 |
[#460] DIY 天堂 Flushing water outage for three days. Redeploy a 2- way valve(taken from another shower head with Amazon shower feature)for shower/flushing selection. |
alexanderkoo 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.179 |
2024-03-13 07:46 |