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[#1] 咖啡日常 大家不妨傾吓你們的咖啡日常. 輕鬆就得, 貼地最好, 希望唔好專注講貴價器材...例如幾萬到幾拾萬嘅機器. |
CodyChan![]() 203.xxx.xxx.82 |
2021-10-26 11:45 | |
[#2] 咖啡日常 【曾俊華說未來】如何從咖啡業中找到藍海,打造香港人想飲的咖啡? https://www.bowtie.com.hk/blog/zh/曾俊華說未來-咖啡/ |
CodyChan![]() 203.xxx.xxx.82 |
2021-10-26 11:46 |
[#3] 咖啡日常 我懶, 10年都只識飲Nespresso coffee sleev. 不過佢地經常有D限量版新口味, 我覺得都保持到有新意. 最後修改時間: 2021-10-26 14:23:28 |
superhorse![]() 218.xxx.xxx.62 |
2021-10-26 14:22 |
[#4] 咖啡日常 無論你用幾十蚊嘅手沖壺或十幾萬嘅咖啡機 I drink espresso and Cold brew 自己炒咖啡豆好好玩 我已經有幾年冇買過 已經炒好嘅咖啡豆了 每個星期都會自己炒四百幾gram飲 有唔同嘅方法手炒, 有時懶就會用專用嘅咖啡炒豆機 生咖啡豆嘅成本 from hkd 60 /kg to a few hundred... /kg, those are more expensive bean around.. But I feel ok with hkd60/kg.. Haha 幾年前只會喺ebay睇世界各地唔同嘅地方買咖啡豆回來.. 但係最近兩年 from taobao coffee bean dealer.. Haha 炒豆會產生大概15至20%嘅損耗 正常嚟講如果你係比較 冇咁粗心大意嘅人 ... 幾公斤內炒十幾次 你就會掌握到 基本嘅技巧 往後就係工多藝熟啦 一隻咖啡豆視乎你點樣處理... 可以做出 超過十幾種唔同人人都有 飲得出嘅分別口味 Fun Haha 最後修改時間: 2021-10-26 14:49:17 |
hahayanyan![]() 49.xxx.xxx.230 |
2021-10-26 14:43 |
[#5] 咖啡日常 (4)hahayanyan, 請問你對 Puerto Rico, YAUCO SELECTO AA & Yemen MATTARI 咖啡豆有什麼見解, 二隻咖啡豆分別大嗎? |
celestion![]() 113.xxx.xxx.251 |
2021-10-26 18:17 |
[#6] 咖啡日常 我都想問 cold brew 同 cold drip 嘅咖啡粉粗度是否一樣? |
CodyChan![]() 113.xxx.xxx.137 |
2021-10-26 18:35 |
[#7] 咖啡日常 haha i could not remember those taste.. from my shopping record... i did have 5 kg of Puerto Rico YAUCO SELECTO AA from ebay a few yrs ago i also had some from Yeman but...i never come back to them i always get back to Guatemala, Ethiopia, Colombia i kind of prefer Sun dried bean but not washed (may be i find it easier to get consistence the roasting outcome ), and prefer bean from higher altitude each type i usually buy 1 to 2 kg, and first 200 to 400 grams... i try to find out how to roast that bean to yieild the taste i prefer..... once i find it out... i roast batch of 200 to 250 grams i lack of insight for cold drip.... for cold brew depending on the bean u having and the taste u aiming for ... it can be super fine...finer than espresso grind to french press grinding sizes....... it is about amount of water, time...and sizes .............. fun to play around with it... and taste is preference , if u settle with a bean u like.... try , there is always a combination of timing water amount..and sizes.. to bring interesting sweetness , also a combination to yield a kicking favors ..from one particular roasted beans .... fun... u can have A/B test , one ulra fine, one big grind... taste it at 12 hours.., 24 hours and 36 hours... cold brew is fun 最後修改時間: 2021-10-26 19:45:20 |
hahayanyan![]() 49.xxx.xxx.67 |
2021-10-26 19:44 |
[#8] 咖啡日常 There are a few ways to enjoy cold brew... can make a super strong base... And dilute it to the level of preference for that particular cup.... Too 咖啡渣as 磨砂沖涼洗面好舒服添 太陽曬乾thsoe used coffee grinded 佢仲可以攞嚟 有好多其他公用添 Have fun 最後修改時間: 2021-10-26 21:11:07 |
hahayanyan![]() 180.xxx.xxx.191 |
2021-10-26 21:09 |
[#9] 咖啡日常 hahayanyan what kind of green coffee bean you buy at hkd60/kg? |
celestion![]() 113.xxx.xxx.251 |
2021-10-26 23:24 |
[#10] 咖啡日常 a few of them Guatemala Huehuetenango Colombia Huila Supremo Brazil Cerrado ( may be less than hkd60/kg ) Usually...i keep 5 type of beans at home at any time ethiopia yirga chefe cost a little bit more..., if soemone may like soemthing less strong... 最後修改時間: 2021-10-27 00:20:44 |
hahayanyan![]() 180.xxx.xxx.117 |
2021-10-27 00:16 |
[#11] 咖啡日常 My daily ritual. 簡簡單單 ![]() |
happyboy![]() 116.xxx.xxx.180 |
2021-10-27 08:57 |
[#12] 咖啡日常 每次買一盒10條的組合 拆開倒入個大盒 每次Lucky draw一粒來飲 㩒個制,一日兩杯☺ ![]() |
kennycwc![]() 124.xxx.xxx.197 |
2021-10-27 09:28 |
[#13] 咖啡日常 #7. 早排買咗呢件器具打算沖 cold drip, 但一路都未試, 主要問題係唔知磨粉粗度. 不過今晚會試吓師兄提供...先用 fine 試咗先. 至於豆, 我會用耶加雪夫. 我期望嘅味道係似番手沖果種濃郁有果味但不帶苦味....唔知點解我總覺得cold drip會較苦的! ![]() 最後修改時間: 2021-10-27 09:47:20 |
CodyChan![]() 203.xxx.xxx.82 |
2021-10-27 09:43 |
[#14] 咖啡日常 #8. Copied. Actually I dislike strong base, I like mellow and mainly fruity taste, so up to now I mainly brew pour over. 最後修改時間: 2021-10-27 10:21:22 |
CodyChan![]() 203.xxx.xxx.82 |
2021-10-27 10:20 |
[#15] 咖啡日常 Haha Never know.. May be that fruity taste is quite special from 100ml strong base plus 62ml of ice water.. Haha ![]() |
hahayanyan![]() 180.xxx.xxx.108 |
2021-10-27 10:42 |
[#16] 咖啡日常 Mellow feeling... Is not that easy to achieve... For so many yrs.. I do not have much beans which give me that feeling... Mat be I .mostly not ending up the roast a the middle of first crack When we roast beans.. It is quite certain if someone aim for fruity taste.. We stop the roast at the early stage of fist crack If we aim for stronger fuller body. Then end ir even after the first crack... Mellow sound like close to the end of first crack, away from the peak of first crack We can always create our own blend from a few beans too haha Haba 最後修改時間: 2021-10-27 11:13:46 |
hahayanyan![]() 180.xxx.xxx.108 |
2021-10-27 11:08 |
[#17] 咖啡日常 #16. 通常沖出 mellow 味, 我用虹吸法就最容易做到, 但只能在家時才可以做到, 因為要用明火燒syphon壺的, 在公司沖咖啡極其量都只能用手沖, 不過近排主要用 drip bag. |
CodyChan![]() 203.xxx.xxx.82 |
2021-10-27 13:01 |
[#18] 咖啡日常 Same bean... Finer grinding.. And stronger.. At this lazy afternoon haha Long long time ago.. I mod the office drip coffee machine... For extending the brew contact time... To get different taste out from it.drip does gave different favor profile Haha ![]() |
hahayanyan![]() 49.xxx.xxx.34 |
2021-10-27 13:18 |
[#19] 咖啡日常 #18. 好多 crema !!! Look good! |
CodyChan![]() 203.xxx.xxx.82 |
2021-10-27 13:48 |
[#20] 咖啡日常 #12 我都係甘做. |
superhorse![]() 218.xxx.xxx.62 |
2021-10-27 16:32 |