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[#5767] Leica Club    


>>> Dear JC,

You should also consider an M11 to fully unleash the potential of APO35. Coincidentally, this is the camera which allows me to finally lay my CCD and film cameras to rest.


Leica just released the M6 reissue, another reborn just when you finally lay film camera to rest....

個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-13 09:52
[#5768] Leica Club    
Time to get this out from the drawer

最後修改時間: 2022-11-13 09:54:39
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-13 09:54
[#5769] Leica Club    
M11 @60MP
M APO Summicron 35 f2

最後修改時間: 2022-11-14 15:09:56
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-14 15:03
[#5770] Leica Club    
Holy Molly, when will R33 improve uploaded picture quality?


I still have two film MPs one in black paint and the other in silver chrome

The reissued M6 is actually an MP housed in an M6 body. Its black chrome isn't going to brass too nicely

最後修改時間: 2022-11-14 15:08:08
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-14 15:06
[#5771] Leica Club    

I think it is about time you have a Flickr account... ;-)

A pro account allows you to better quality and almost unlimited numbers of files/photos at your finger tips.

Have you tried using the M35 APO on SL2? Wondering how it compares to the SL35 APO. I got the SL35 APO in 2019 and loving it.


SL2 + SL35 APO

最後修改時間: 2022-11-15 09:01:58
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-15 08:49
[#5772] Leica Club    

I don't have a SL camera.

But if I were to make an educated guess, the SL APO 35 should be better. M lenses are limited by 1. physical size to avoid viewfinder blockage and 2. bayonet mount size (diameter) which hasn't been and couldn't be changed for decades in order to maintain backward compatibility.

The SL, on the other hand, is not restricted by these two factors.
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-15 10:26
[#5773] Leica Club    

I agree with you that SL and lenses are so good and in some ways better than M's. However, for diehard M fans, nothing is as good as M's. M has the history, heritage and look, not to mention the size and weight. Personally I do prefer the less perfect IQ of M sometimes. :-)
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-15 12:02
[#5774] Leica Club    
I am a man of science and nothing short of true facts could content me.
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-15 14:40
[#5775] Leica Club    
Good to hear and we need more people to have the knowledge.

As for me I am happy to know less or none so that I can learn more everyday. :-)

個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-15 15:16
[#5776] Leica Club    

What you said about a man of science has got me thinking.

Do we need Leica to take good photos?

Would a scientist only buy Leica or the best lens there is from Leica?

Or are we trying to be an artist hoping that Leica can push our imagination and creativity?

Or are we just a clever investor knowing the rare items from Leica will keep its value and appreciate?

Gear head (scientist) vs pursuit of photography (artist) vs return on investment ($man)
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-16 03:35
[#5777] Leica Club    
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-16 04:12
[#5778] Leica Club    
>>>>>>Do we need Leica to take good photos?

Definitely not

>>>>>>Would a scientist only buy Leica or the best lens there is from Leica?

Depends on the application. ASML uses Zeiss optical equipment.

>>>>>>Or are we trying to be an artist hoping that Leica can push our imagination and creativity?

Some of us are. Similar to film cameras, you won't press the shutter casually without careful composition.

>>>>>>Or are we just a clever investor knowing the rare items from Leica will keep its value and appreciate?

That's just an excuse (especially when wives question about our overspending activities). I could only say, when one trades in a Leica equipment he loses less money. Don't expect to earn from Leica investment.

I like Leica M because of its size to image quality ratio, its tight tolerance and its near perfect mechanical construction. I am clearly aware of its shortcomings. Contrary to the blind worship of most diehard M fans, I consider the baseplate of a digital M rather redundant, even on day one when the M8 launched.

I have recently bought a Nikon Z9 for my son. Its image quality is on par with many Leica gears, but that is a hefty 2.5kg (with a decent lens) dumbbell to carry around.
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-16 20:54
[#5779] Leica Club    
Leica M11 APO Summicron 90 @f/2

個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-16 21:51
[#5780] Leica Club    

最後修改時間: 2022-11-16 21:55:10
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-16 21:52
[#5781] Leica Club    
Nikon Z9 with Nikkor Z 70-200 f2.8

個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-16 21:55
[#5782] Leica Club    


I share your views and those questions are all applicable to us all at different time and situations. That is why the Leica culture is weird yet having many followers.

M is unique and will always be there. Leica or investors behind have spent millions and years in keeping the healthy image and culture, as a result we could see the value of different items appreciated or kept in value.

I still use my M more than my SL2, just more intuitive even IQ is not as perfect as SL's.

BTW, why did you buy the 35 APO? Did you have to wait long for it? Good price?

個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-17 04:18
[#5783] Leica Club    
Dog shots

M10P + 50 1.0 V4

最後修改時間: 2022-11-17 04:24:21
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-17 04:23
[#5784] Leica Club    
SL 24-90 is still one of the most amazing lenses out there, just so versatile

最後修改時間: 2022-11-17 04:36:42
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-17 04:32
[#5785] Leica Club    

You have a Corgi too?

The reason why I bought the APO 35 is mainly due to its image quality. Besides, I always want to have a full set of M APO lenses (now I have all of them----35, 50, 75, 90, 135). If they launch more APO M lenses in the future, I would most probably acquire all of them.

I bought it from a parallel importer in Hong Kong. Here in HK the APO 35 is in stock every now and then once every month or two. When it is in stock, each shop may carry only one or two. It means whenever you see their listing online, you have to get it quickly. And you have to check availability every now and then. I bought it for around HK$70000.
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-17 09:47
[#5786] Leica Club    

The corgi is my friend's. At least 2 of my friends who have to look after the corgi for their daughters as their careers or relationship got busier. :-)

I got 50 2.0 APO only which is another great lens. I like it a lot especially when travelling.

In Sydney, the 35 APO is A$12900, which is under HK$70,000, considering the 10% GST on top. Again it is hard to come by.
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-11-17 10:45
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