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[#21] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ 獅子山下... ![]() |
lym![]() 219.xxx.xxx.37 |
2008-03-25 21:20 | |
[#22] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ lym, this time your photos are very rich of hue, changed some setting? |
Mr.Ben![]() 218.xxx.xxx.18 |
2008-03-25 21:23 |
[#23] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ No, actually tuned down from more vivid to vivid, may be its the Sigma. |
lym![]() 219.xxx.xxx.37 |
2008-03-25 21:24 |
[#24] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ 150 macro ![]() |
lym![]() 219.xxx.xxx.37 |
2008-03-25 21:25 |
[#25] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ ![]() |
lym![]() 219.xxx.xxx.37 |
2008-03-25 21:25 |
[#26] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ 華天龍...睇下打撈邊隻先? ![]() |
lym![]() 219.xxx.xxx.37 |
2008-03-25 21:26 |
[#27] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ lym, especially the one that you claim 例牌貨---the Victoria harbor, the color of the ocean & those building, shade like 70's photo, I love that tone a lot!!! Any after effect? |
Mr.Ben![]() 218.xxx.xxx.18 |
2008-03-25 21:27 |
[#28] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ "Any after effect?" Yes actually, I have no refrain on "after process" as long as I like it (it may not be regarded as 正路 by all though). It's quite a hazy day yesterday despite its a relatively sunny day within the week. I had put quite some shadow in and put in some contrast as well. |
lym![]() 219.xxx.xxx.37 |
2008-03-25 21:31 |
[#29] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ http://forum.pentaxfans.net/showthread.php?t=62057 This is something i really concern recently! With out replacement/upgrade of body, i would like to know any C-Hing have idea how to adjust K10D setting in order to enhance the dynamic performance during extreme lighting occasion. tks!! |
Mr.Ben![]() 218.xxx.xxx.18 |
2008-03-25 21:34 |
[#30] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ lym, tks ^^ Coz i lost many old photos shoot by negative film when i was young (70's) i really wanna put on some vintage looking cloths, go back to places that used to be my playground & take some photo, pretending turn back time ^^ |
Mr.Ben![]() 218.xxx.xxx.18 |
2008-03-25 21:39 |
[#31] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ K20D另個工能好似只係比jpg用, 因為RAW可以0向後製做到。 |
sours![]() 219.xxx.xxx.91 |
2008-03-25 21:39 |
[#32] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ Ben hing : Its good you like the mood. I feel its a bit creamy though. Digital format is quite different from film in that it allows a very very big degree of tuning and refining after the picture is taken. Depending on the individual photo creater or the one who look at it, this can be good or bad. |
lym![]() 219.xxx.xxx.37 |
2008-03-25 21:47 |
[#33] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ 填海,壁虎,獅子山下,都幾好。 |
sours![]() 219.xxx.xxx.91 |
2008-03-25 22:01 |
[#34] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ Sours 兄話都幾好就有效過打流感針啦... :-p |
lym![]() 219.xxx.xxx.37 |
2008-03-25 22:04 |
[#35] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ 其實係.......好正! |
sours![]() 219.xxx.xxx.91 |
2008-03-25 22:05 |
[#36] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ 重有無鏡想買? 有呀, 30mm f1.4 要來 snap 再來支大砲, 再來先到 fisheye.... 不過呢 d 吾係咁急囉. |
lym![]() 219.xxx.xxx.37 |
2008-03-25 22:12 |
[#37] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ 舊有會址我們是絕不會放棄的!原因是一萬帖來的不易,況且內容滿載了大家不小的心血與情懷...... 每當舊鋪沉底至20頁時,我必會推它一把!舊鋪是不會煙飛灰滅的)))~~~ 今次開新鋪是必須的,舊鋪累積冗長有時雖要翻看回味過往的圖文,也頗費時失事,倘若繼續舊鋪的運作... 既然舊鋪超負荷的繁重,何不號令新店輕裝上路?.... 會長)))))))))))))))))))))))!!!!!!!!.........快來主持會務^^^````````````` |
FYGI![]() 61.xxx.xxx.229 |
2008-03-25 23:35 |
[#38] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ 報個到先 ~ |
Hi_Hi![]() 218.xxx.xxx.132 |
2008-03-26 01:18 |
[#39] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ 會長)))))))))))))))))))))))!!!!!!!!.........快來主持會務^^^````````````` 會長)))))))))))))))))))))))!!!!!!!!.........快來主持會務^^^````````````` |
FYGI![]() 61.xxx.xxx.229 |
2008-03-26 01:25 |
[#40] ★R33★PENTAX∞懇談會∞ 重有無鏡想買? DA55-300^^ |
FYGI![]() 61.xxx.xxx.229 |
2008-03-26 01:46 |