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[#6] Macbook air 開唔到機 #3 真係勁 |
vitz![]() 82.xxx.xxx.199 |
2023-12-18 02:30 | |
[#7] Macbook air 開唔到機 #3 影相大得濟upload 唔到,所以係網上cap張圖。 我部係air,圖係pro。 最後修改時間: 2023-12-18 07:12:01 |
茶壺![]() 112.xxx.xxx.113 |
2023-12-18 07:09 |
[#8] Macbook air 開唔到機 Exclamation means you have to spend a fair sum of money. If possible, remove the SSD first to check data integrity by placing in separate enclosure. (Cheapest uGreen) |
alexanderkoo![]() 223.xxx.xxx.72 |
2023-12-18 07:12 |
[#9] Macbook air 開唔到機 #2 謝謝,試下先 |
茶壺![]() 112.xxx.xxx.113 |
2023-12-18 07:12 |
[#10] Macbook air 開唔到機 #8 Apple silicon 係SOC, CPU/Memory/NAND chips 全部係一塊module上。 好處係快同細。 壞處是但一件壞都全部GG,同埋冇得upgrade。 |
skyliner![]() 218.xxx.xxx.192 |
2023-12-18 08:13 |
[#11] Macbook air 開唔到機 It's quite common for laptop or similar devices, soldered CPU, or sometimes, ram as well. If having MB problem, be prepared to buy a new one. There is new concept in laptop brand Framework in having modular units even for hdmi/usb output. Can change MB from Intel to AMD at cost. Worth it for gadget of 2-3 years life cycle? Back to the older days having socket for CPU. |
alexanderkoo![]() 223.xxx.xxx.72 |
2023-12-18 08:59 |
[#12] Macbook air 開唔到機 #7 Cap 圖原本網頁已有詳細講解,資料多過呢度回應.不如睇睇先,跟住去做. |
ich![]() 112.xxx.xxx.21 |
2023-12-18 09:50 |
[#13] Macbook air 開唔到機 搭單問... 我部macbook air 2020 A2337, 開唔到機,去過新高登格價,基本報價1800至2000, 請教各位師兄請問有無維修店舖介紹呢?心目中1000至1500都整。 |
CodyChan![]() 119.xxx.xxx.157 |
2024-06-03 22:53 |
[#14] Macbook air 開唔到機 深圳整,平靚正!!! |
littlered![]() 203.xxx.xxx.219 |
2024-06-04 00:20 |
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