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[#36] 抽濕機一問 樓主二百多尺丶又要加廚房丶一廁及走廊丶除時多過三百尺 消委話最濕時 三百尺 要 19~21 L丶如三百多丶可能要去到 24L, 留意 #29 table 最後修改時間: 2021-04-12 21:37:35 |
phil.ng 會員 223.xxx.xxx.187 |
2021-04-12 21:36 | |
[#37] 抽濕機一問 搭單問… 其實現在新出嘅抽濕機有無邊隻係用dc motor的呢? 我用開果部三菱用咗幾年了,近排開始嘈…係motor聲,打算換過部靜的,如果有dc motor就一定考慮。 |
CodyChan 會員 113.xxx.xxx.137 |
2021-04-17 10:16 |
[#38] 抽濕機一問 經驗之談,屋企有200尺,買30幾升果啲啦…小弟住家個廳大約200尺,曾經貪細部慳位,買咗部25升的,結果係完全唔夠抽的! |
CodyChan 會員 113.xxx.xxx.137 |
2021-04-17 10:26 |
[#39] 抽濕機一問 Kusatsu Dehumidifier CD-1516. I think a folk mentioned this brand before. MIJ, 3 year warranty. Available from Fortess at $4000. Would like to test run if demo available. Quiteness is also important unless it's only for cloth drying inside store room. https://www.frankfurt1992.com.hk/ff2015/dehumidifier.php?lang=en Residing in Mid-levels with high humidity, dehumidifier is drying the Earth since kid loves to keep window ajar for fresh air. 最後修改時間: 2021-04-17 11:44:07 |
alexanderkoo 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.69 |
2021-04-17 11:40 |
[#40] 抽濕機一問 #39. Sound good! 一陣去豐澤睇吓有無得試先! |
CodyChan 會員 113.xxx.xxx.137 |
2021-04-17 12:49 |
[#41] 抽濕機一問 原來草津有出抽濕機 |
MinnaNoTabo 正式會員 42.xxx.xxx.44 |
2021-04-17 15:09 |
[#42] 抽濕機一問 According to consumer council, noise grading 3.5 whilst Panny is 4. Only taken as guideline. |
alexanderkoo 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.69 |
2021-04-17 16:13 |
[#43] 抽濕機一問 草津抽濕機, 見過好幾間電器鋪都有展示, 可按開關試試 ..................... |
patrick88 正式會員 59.xxx.xxx.180 |
2021-04-17 22:30 |
[#44] 抽濕機一問 LG has been receiving good reviews especially quietness. Also having wi- fi control, can be programmed for daily operation. However, it's MIC and offering 2 year warranty. Add $415 for extended warranty in Fortress.(higher appliance cost than other shops) Fortress 28L one is also value for money, 2 year warranty, add $300 for extended warranty.(in service now) Which brand can offer genuine defrosting? Mostly stop the compressor and run the fan only. In fact, fail to work for some time, low dehumidification power in winter. 最後修改時間: 2021-04-18 07:51:08 |
alexanderkoo 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.63 |
2021-04-18 07:45 |
[#45] 抽濕機一問 草津水箱夠大,但變成機身厚度增加。 LG 出風咀係微斜運作,即對住某點吹風, 如器材唎叭,書籍,牆壁之類, 因過度乾燥會壞物件,但運作完機身自己運作除濕模式, 就可打直,吹漲。佢個除濕模式好似有d流, 幾分鐘完成,三菱要成個鐘的。 LG 直係唔嘈。 最後修改時間: 2021-04-18 10:06:17 |
IHKOHK 正式會員 182.xxx.xxx.247 |
2021-04-18 10:04 |
[#46] 抽濕機一問 草津個水箱4.5升,以25升抽濕量/日嚟講唔算大。部機個雙旋轉壓縮機相對靜,filter聲稱用到十年,買過塊就幾舊水,四千價位嚟講算ok. |
沉默的膏蟹 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.10 |
2021-04-18 13:15 |
[#47] 抽濕機一問 今日出去睇過,原來好多牌子價錢都差不多,3000左右已經好多選擇,唔似幾年前郁啲都4000幾! 所以影晒相,回家再分析考慮吓! |
CodyChan 會員 61.xxx.xxx.115 |
2021-04-18 19:51 |
[#48] 抽濕機一問 LG用變頻,靜同用電肯定係最好 不過佢價錢真係⋯⋯⋯所以我又係揀左蟲下 佢用第一個coil冷卻既風去整凍第二個冷凝器,除左變頻佢用電最少 5L水箱夠大,一日倒一次就得,如果老野用就有d吃力 個風扇係bussless,夏天可以fan mode吹風用 最後修改時間: 2021-04-18 20:19:20 |
敗家仔 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.179 |
2021-04-18 20:17 |
[#49] 抽濕機一問 LG 26 升我在瘋宅買$37XX 其他網上售價也差不多,你見到多少岈? 我也想知。. |
IHKOHK 正式會員 1.xxx.xxx.39 |
2021-04-18 23:21 |
[#50] 抽濕機一問 #49. 魔同網…$3650. 我明天會去豐擇睇多次同試機,如果好 會喎魔同網買。 最後修改時間: 2021-04-18 23:28:10 |
CodyChan 會員 113.xxx.xxx.137 |
2021-04-18 23:25 |
[#51] 抽濕機一問 hktv mall... |
CodyChan 會員 113.xxx.xxx.137 |
2021-04-18 23:49 |
[#52] 抽濕機一問 近曰百老滙都做緊6折-7折,抽濕機,約三千多尐。 |
CS168 正式會員 1.xxx.xxx.12 |
2021-04-18 23:58 |
[#53] 抽濕機一問 #52. 無錯, 只不過佢地用 $5690嚟計! 折實後$3880~$3980. |
CodyChan 會員 113.xxx.xxx.137 |
2021-04-19 00:05 |
[#54] 抽濕機一問 睇真啲個model先好下決定。 誠哥應該係賣MD19GQGA1,抽濕量30升/日,水箱5.3升。大部份舖頭賣MD16GQSA1,抽濕量28升/日,水箱4升。外觀上MD19水箱凸出,好易認。MD16代理都缺貨,出面應該好難買到,小心係陳列品,全新貨有既話大約$3500左右。 最後修改時間: 2021-04-19 00:27:10 |
沉默的膏蟹 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.10 |
2021-04-19 00:26 |
[#55] 抽濕機一問 Already made a comparison of these 2 models on lg website, near identical except capacity (only 2 litres difference) and weight. I suspect that one is of latest model. https://www.fortress.com.hk/zt/product/md16gqsa1-28l-compressor-dehumidifier/p/BP_11824259 最後修改時間: 2021-04-19 05:25:44 |
alexanderkoo 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.3 |
2021-04-19 05:23 |