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[#21] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (黃竹坑隧道口紅棉鳥攝)     
由 2009 年到 2013 年主要以鳥攝為主, 尤其喜愛拍攝一程巴士三十分鐘便可以到達的紅棉勝地..........香港仔隧道黃竹坑出口的三棵紅棉! 雖然現在的我迷上了Street Photography, 但每年三月都會盡量每朝去探一探影一影!

當年用 Nikon D700 加 Sigma 150-500mm 和 Sigma 300mm 加 Sigma 1.4x 和 2X, 因為 Sigma 長鏡比原廠平很多, 一般打工仔都可以享受到鳥攝的樂趣! 現在我仍是用 Sigma, 是平民長炮 800mm 加 Nikon AF-S 300mm VRII, TC-17E II, TC-20E III, 機身則是 Nikon D800E, D7100 和 D300。

今日除 Sigma 外還有 Tamron 都出產了 150-600mm zoom 炮, 新價亦只七千左右, 加上不貴的中級機身, 比以前便平宜和機動............還有不少長 zoom DC 仔相繼面世, 令鳥攝友不斷增加, 玩過不可開交。

喜歡紅棉鳥攝是因為鳥種多 (雖全是菜鳥), 姿態表情和動作又多, 襯上不同花姿和樹勢, 構出自然而千變萬化的畫面, 是吸引我每年都去拍攝的主因。

憑著一幅相思蜂遇圖, 亦為我首次勝出一個 Leica 贊助的比賽網站 i-shot-it Bird Photo Competition 1 2014 的 winner。


2013.04.03 Nikon D800E + AF-S 300mm f2.8 VR II + TC-20E III

#D800E #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-02 10:25
[#22] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (黃竹坑隧道口紅棉鳥攝)     
今年的紅棉開遲了, 三月初才見一,兩朵...........而絲光椋鳥群郤一早來到.....望棉輕嘆啊!

2016.03.04 Nikon D7100 + AF-S 300mm VRII + TC-20E III

#D7100 #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-02 11:11
[#23] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (黃竹坑隧道口紅棉鳥攝)     
去年今日花開遍, 此時當刻苞滿枝, 不知椋兄早來探, 未能款待愧無言!

2016.03.06 Nikon D800E + AF-S 300 VRII + TC-17E II

#D800E #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-02 18:22
[#24] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (黃竹坑隧道口紅棉鳥攝)     

2016.03.06 Nikon D800E + AF-S 300 VRII + TC-17E II

#D800E #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-02 18:38
[#25] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (黃竹坑隧道口紅棉鳥攝)     

2016.03.06 Nikon D800E + AF-S 300 VRII + TC-17E II

#D800E #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-02 18:50
[#26] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (黃竹坑隧道口紅棉鳥攝)     

2016.03.06 Nikon D800E + AF-S 300 VRII + TC-17E II

#D800E #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-02 19:20
[#27] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (黃竹坑隧道口紅棉鳥攝)     
但附近的大嘴鴉卻在談談情, 說說愛!

2016.03.06 Nikon D800E + AF-S 300 VRII + TC-17E II
#D800E #snapshotchanchan
個人訊息 會員
2016-05-02 20:11
[#28] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (黃竹坑隧道口紅棉鳥攝)     

2016.03.06 Nikon D800E + AF-S 300 VRII + TC-17E II
#D800E #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-02 21:18
[#29] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (中環結志街周邊街攝 2013年9月)     
今日的結志街, 很多老舖已經因迫遷而結業......剩下的街市檔舖, 賣魚的, 賣肉的, 賣菜的和賣花的恐怕快要搬了.............可能蘭芳園也不能避免!

今次帶了自己笫一部 DSLR Canon 300D, 因 300D 是 1.6x, 所以用了 Nikkor 20mm f4 Ai, 以 hyper focus 拍攝, 綀習下盲拍!

2013.09.26 Canon 300D + Nikkor 20mm f4 Ai
#300D #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-02 23:04
[#30] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (中環結志街周邊街攝 2013年9月)     

2013.09.26 Canon 300D + Nikkor 20mm f4 Ai
#300D #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-03 00:24
[#31] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (中環結志街周邊街攝 2013年9月)     
艾米丽·佐拉(Emile Zola) :在我看来,某个东西你不把它拍下来就不能说你见过。


2013.09.26 Canon 300D + Nikkor 20mm f4 Ai
#300D #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-03 10:48
[#32] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (中環結志街周邊街攝 2013年9月)     
Elliott Erwitt :對我來說, 攝影是種觀察的藝術,是從尋常的地方找到趣味的事物…我認為攝影與你所要拍攝的物件沒有太大的關係,重要的是你用什麼角度去觀察。

以前在中環上班, 差不多隔天就去光顧春回堂一碗廿四味 (現在改用了紙杯, 很不環保)!!

2013.09.26 Canon 300D + Nikkor 20mm f4 Ai
#300D #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-03 12:32
[#33] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (中環結志街周邊街攝 2013年9月)     

2013.09.27 Canon 300D + Nikkor 20mm f4 Ai
#300D #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-03 16:42
[#34] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (長期街攝項目之一 : 電車)     
Shared from Street Hunters


Lists by Spyros Papaspyropoulos - Oct 15, 2014


Everyone that shoots Street knows that passion and drive alone are not enough to keep one going for years and years. There are times when the will is not enough because of lack of purpose. This is something that is apparent in many things in life.

Our brains need goals in order to make our life experiences interesting. In Street Photography there comes a point when just hitting the streets and shooting random photos, is not enough no matter how good the photographs. Without purpose the experienced Street Photographer’s eyes can’t see interesting situations.

Why Is That?

All three reasons stated below are mine and mine alone. That means that you might not agree with them or find them somewhat not to your liking. Then again, you might agree with them 100%. What is important to me is to explain to you the reasons why I Street Photographers stop “seeing” as they used to when they initially started practicing the art. So, in my opinion:

The experienced Street Photographer isn’t attracted to the cliches any more, so naturally fewer shots are fired aimed towards simple everyday situations that offer nothing new. This makes the daily image count decrease significantly. Sometimes this is misconceived as a lack of inspiration, but it is not. It is just the natural evolution of the Street Photographer who is now in search for more unique images. Photos that stand out and can never be repeated.
The experienced Street Photographer is no longer ecstatic about clicking the shutter button from the minute he/she steps out into the streets. The Street Photographer doesn’t shoot without being sure of why he/she is doing so anymore. The period of taking 1000 photographs per photo walk is over. If a shot isn’t worth capturing the Street Photographer doesn’t bother with it. His/her natural evolution has made him/her count on skill and patience to make images and not so much on just blind luck and a trigger happy finger.
The experienced Street Photographer needs more out of each photo walk. He/she has the need for something bigger, something that will make him/her go out again the next day and the next. Something that grows and evolves, something with a continuum. Something that will help him/her grow his/her body of work in a meaningful way. What the experienced Street Photographer needs is a purpose and for one to have a purpose, one must have projects.

What Is This Post About?

In this post I will not examine the reasons why projects in Street Photography are an important stepping stone in a Street Photographer’s path. What I will be sharing with you is the big fat list of 45 Street Photography project ideas that I have made for myself and which I think you will enjoy too. I have been working on this list for months and I think it is now ready to share but there is always room for more ideas!

List Of Street Photography Project Ideas

All ideas are presented in random order, just as they came to me. I have added some short descriptions to help you understand the nature of each idea.

1. Eat - Photos of people enjoying their food as freely as possible. The sloppier the better.
2. Looking down - Photos of people looking down from balconies and windows.
3. Corners - Photos of interesting corners shot with a wide angle lens, revealing life as it unfolds in the streets on both sides of the corner.
4. People on the job - People doing their everyday jobs.
5. Portraits - Photos of peoples faces mainly. The photos can be posed.
6. Panning - Photos of moving subjects shot at medium to slow shutter speeds with low ISO that give a sense of movement.
7. High speed freeze - The opposite of Panning, shoot people at very high shutter speeds and try and freeze split seconds in time.
8. Hands full - Photos of hands full of anything. For example hands with coins, hands with dirt, hands with a tablet, a smartphone, etc.
9. Project 365 or Project 52 - A 365 project is to add 1 Street Photo to your collection every day. A 52 project is the same thing but on a weekly basis.
10. 30 Day Project One Camera & One Lens - For 30 days, use only One Camera & One Lens to make photographs.
11. Smiles with Braces - Capture people wearing braces smiling.
12. Motion Blur crowds - Set up your cameras on tripods (sorry there is no other way around this, unless you have solid, motionless hands) and shoot crowded places with very slow shutter speeds.
13. Behind glass - Make photos of people and situations behind glass. That glass can be coloured, shattered, anything.
14. Shoot the same corner of your town every day for 1 year - Every day shoot a corner of your choice and document the different happenings that occur there and make a collection of photos.
15. 30 days of B&W only - Make black and white photographs for 30 days. No colour allowed. If you shoot digital, shoot B&W jpgs, not RAW because RAW retains colour information. If you shoot film, just use B&W film.
16. 30 days of a specific colour - Pick a colour, any colour and focus on making photos that include it as the main focal point. Do this for 30 days.
17. Project 28 (28 days, 28 photos, 28mm lens) - I read about this somewhere and I liked the idea. For 28 days, shoot 28 photographs using a 28mm lens.
18. Project 35 (35 days, 35 photos, 35mm lens) - For 35 days, shoot 35 photographs using a 35mm lens.
19. Project 50 (50 days, 50 photos, 50mm lens) - For 50 days, shoot 50 photographs using a 50mm lens.
20. Reflections (in Puddles, glass, water) - Make a collection of photographs from reflections in puddles, glass, water, cars, anything.
21. Silhouettes - Make a collection of photographs of Silhouettes.
22. Only Shadows - Make a collection of photographs of just human Shadows without any visible people.
23. Hand gestures - Make a collection of photographs of people’s hands gesturing. Things like pointing, waving etc.
24. Condensation - Use Saul Leiter’s condensation tricks to make a collection of similarly shot photographs.
25. Angry people - Make a collection of photographs of angry people. This might be a hard one!
26. Bald heads - Make a collection of photographs of bald headed people.
27. Things in front of peoples faces - Make a collection of photographs of people with things in front of their faces. So for example you might place a flower in front on someone’s face and make him appear as if they have a flower for a head.
28. Disappearing Professions - Try and seek people doing jobs that are going extinct and make a collection of photographs of them on the job. This project will also have historical value.
29. Embraces - Take photographs of people embracing each other.
30. Kisses - Take photographs of people kissing each other.
31. Femininity - Make a collection of photographs about femininity. Capture the essence of women.
32. Masculinity - Make a collection of photographs about masculinity. Capture the essence of men.
33. Smoking - Make a collection of photographs of smokers. People smoking.
34. Tattoos - Make a collection of photographs of people with tattoos.
35. Sunrise Street Photography - Make a collection of Street photographs shot during sunrise.
36. Sunset Street Photography - Make a collection of Street photographs shot during sunset.
37. People taking a piss - Capture people relieving themselves of their bodily fluids, that is urinating.
38. 100 Strangers - Make a collection of 100 strangers you don’t know anything about. This is like the portraits project but the 100 Strangers projects has to be 100% candid shots.
39. Boredom - Photograph people looking bored and make a nice collection of photos of bored people. How boring!
40. Money exchange - Make a collection of people exchanging money. You can do hand closeups or shoot from slightly further away, as long as the exchange is visible.
41. Opposites - Make a collection of photos that include opposite things. For example a cat looking at a dog, or a tall man sitting next to a short man, etc.
42. Dogs and their people - Take low POV shots of dogs and their people.
43. In the rain - Make a collection of photos shot in the rain.
44. Umbrellas - Make a collection of photographs with people and umbrellas.
45. Beachwear & Beach photos - Make a collection of photographs of people in their swimming costumes shot at the beach.
個人訊息 會員
2016-05-03 18:04
[#35] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (長期街攝項目之一 : 電車)     
“叮叮” - 香港電車,不僅僅是一個交通工具,更是香港的標誌。很多外地遊客到港必坐的, 是遊覽港島不可錯過的行程,可以感受地地道道的香港人的生活。

是以街攝項目 (Street Photography Projects) 雖然很多, 我仍以此作為我長期街攝項目之一。

2014.01.15 Fujifilm X-10

#X-10 #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-03 18:07
[#36] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (長期街攝項目之一 : 電車)     
外地遊客到港必坐的“叮叮” - 香港電車!

2015.10.02 Leica X Vario
#Leicaxv #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-04 00:04
[#37] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (長期街攝項目之一 : 電車)     

2014.11.28 Nikon D7100 + AF-S 18-200mm VRII
#D7100 #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-04 01:18
[#38] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (長期街攝項目之一 : 電車)     

2015.10.16 Leica X Vario (taken at Wanchai)
#leicaxv #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-04 09:57
[#39] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (長期街攝項目之一 : 電車)     
電車耆緣 (ii)

2015.10.13 Leica X Vario (taken at Sheung Wan)
#leicaxv #snapshotchanchan

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-04 12:19
[#40] JOURNAL TO MY PHOTOGRAPHY (長期街攝項目之一 : 電車)     

2014.06.11 Leica C (Typ 112) (taken at Quarry Bay)
#leicac #snapshotchanchan

Published on Vogue Italia

個人訊息 會員
2016-05-04 18:08
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