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[#1326] Amazon 同好會 大家手上的鉗用途 ... ... ![]() |
DeepSea^^![]() 222.xxx.xxx.126 |
2023-11-26 08:30 | |
[#1327] Amazon 同好會 縮咗一縮呀⋯⋯ |
dttmtong![]() 58.xxx.xxx.162 |
2023-11-26 09:13 |
[#1328] Amazon 同好會 HK$160 左右,德馬寄出,抵 ![]() |
ich![]() 220.xxx.xxx.145 |
2023-11-26 10:20 |
[#1329] Amazon 同好會 #328 呢種鉗越大把越好用,如果有得揀,買 300mm / 12吋或以上的,擁有一把就夠,扭細 size 的可用大力鉗和士巴拿。 ![]() 如果裝拆金屬水管,用喉鉗 ![]() 最後修改時間: 2023-11-26 10:57:42 |
0925![]() 203.xxx.xxx.208 |
2023-11-26 10:45 |
[#1330] Amazon 同好會 Copper pipe, use spanner due to hexagonal locknut,easy to remove due to little rust. Iron pipe(if still there), use grinder(fitted with cutting disc, not grinding disc) to cut. Use pliers(with teeth) only when the fittings are cylindrical and large, rare in HK except for fire services where iron pipe is still permissible. There is chained one for even larger pipe, mislaid somewhere. 最後修改時間: 2023-11-26 12:26:16 |
alexanderkoo![]() 223.xxx.xxx.77 |
2023-11-26 12:23 |
[#1331] Amazon 同好會 呢把Poultry Shearer 森林最平HK$575左右.最後eBay Plus價HK$390入貨, 比正價平了一半以上 ![]() 最後修改時間: 2023-11-26 12:30:42 |
ich![]() 112.xxx.xxx.21 |
2023-11-26 12:29 |
[#1332] Amazon 同好會 Don't know whether this is garbage disposer is useful wrt Chinese cuisine, lots of seashells and bones. Only for vegan having lots of fruit peel and cereal? Would need 500W(VA) transformer. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07N3BK1YR/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=A2XZ7JICGUQ1CX&psc=1 最後修改時間: 2023-11-26 12:35:25 |
alexanderkoo![]() 223.xxx.xxx.77 |
2023-11-26 12:30 |
[#1333] Amazon 同好會 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a21n57. 淘寶貨唔知得唔得。 ![]() 最後修改時間: 2023-11-26 13:12:13 |
0925![]() 203.xxx.xxx.208 |
2023-11-26 13:12 |
[#1334] Amazon 同好會 好似都吾易裝,又要攞電。我估大多人沖落馬桶算。 |
lym![]() 119.xxx.xxx.89 |
2023-11-26 13:32 |
[#1335] Amazon 同好會 又係開飛牙羅屍嫁。。。♡ ![]() |
Somonica![]() 136.xxx.xxx.103 |
2023-11-26 14:38 |
[#1336] Amazon 同好會 I studied the video and installation manual from GE brand. Not that difficult, similar to ordinary kitchen drain. One piece on the top, add putty, an underneath gasket/ locknut. The disposer is clamped on the drain tube. Haier from Taobao is having 4-5 stages for prawn/crab shell, walnut shell but RMB 900 onwards. 最後修改時間: 2023-11-27 13:51:22 |
alexanderkoo![]() 14.xxx.xxx.147 |
2023-11-27 13:50 |
[#1337] Amazon 同好會 990 Pro 4.0 NVMe m.2 SSD 約HK$1000, 美馬出貨,9日後澳洲收到. 裝落部mini 度,大約2.x小時由ext 3.5" HDD 過了1T data 落去,好快. ![]() 最後修改時間: 2023-11-30 15:40:00 |
ich![]() 112.xxx.xxx.21 |
2023-11-30 15:38 |
[#1338] Amazon 同好會 The bottleneck is the external HDD, depending on the usb connection. Speed around 100M. My 3T HDD can only read up to 2T due to MBR installed in the older days. Transfer all data to external SSD. Low level format of HDD, choose GPT, initialize and put back the data. Lots of work. The Sabrent docking station just arrived, bought due to discount, instead using an old sata to usb connection. Update firmware for reading more than 2T. |
alexanderkoo![]() 223.xxx.xxx.77 |
2023-11-30 17:39 |
[#1339] Amazon 同好會 有D免費 Disk/Partition Manager 可轉換 MBR/GPT 並保留 data。 e.g. DiskGenius https://www.diskgenius.com/manual/convert-partition-table-style.php 最後修改時間: 2023-11-30 17:50:52 |
lym![]() 119.xxx.xxx.89 |
2023-11-30 17:50 |
[#1340] Amazon 同好會 Mini partition can but still cannot recover the lost 1G after operation. No luck with Windows command mbr2gbt which is free. |
alexanderkoo![]() 14.xxx.xxx.34 |
2023-12-01 12:41 |
[#1341] Amazon 同好會 Bought two SanDisk Extreme pro 256MB SdXC cards 200M read.(125MB one is slower) But my PC doesn't say so, much slower than results from other website. Maybe, card reader problem, at least usb 3.2, preferably suitable for UHS-II card as well. Format them in two different cameras to make sure that they are ok. ![]() 最後修改時間: 2023-12-01 13:50:00 |
alexanderkoo![]() 14.xxx.xxx.34 |
2023-12-01 13:47 |
[#1342] Amazon 同好會 上個月 黑色星期五 係英馬買咗個迷你暖爐。扣稅之後 GBP 49,運費 41,一共 GBP 90。一個月後先到香港,及時趕到應付寒冷天氣。主要貪佢細同高効率。唔係好平但係香港冇得買。 ![]() |
Kenny![]() 219.xxx.xxx.33 |
2023-12-20 14:06 |
[#1343] Amazon 同好會 外型幾靚仔,又細件。 |
DeepSea^^![]() 42.xxx.xxx.247 |
2023-12-20 14:11 |
[#1344] Amazon 同好會 沉晚買個新婊盒,居然金日到喎。。。❤️ 後面部 M I C 暖瘋機正,C係禾國。。。❤️?? 可惜姦廠已經摺左。。。 ![]() |
Somonica![]() 104.xxx.xxx.150 |
2023-12-20 14:32 |
[#1345] Amazon 同好會 你有幾多盒先? |
lym![]() 194.xxx.xxx.26 |
2023-12-20 16:20 |