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[#381] 菲林攝影 Thks ching, 咁晒埋相就2舊幾了。 |
learn 正式會員 182.xxx.xxx.66 |
2022-10-15 18:56 | |
[#382] 菲林攝影 數碼攝影實在太平宜,所以覺得菲林貴啫! 80年時一筒135菲林連沖加曬點都要60元,按各類消費保守計算至少10倍都等於今時600元,菲林80元筒真係唔貴播! |
PT100 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.247 |
2022-10-15 19:40 |
[#383] 菲林攝影 So I had shot some films with the Bronica ETRSi. First try will be some expired Fuji Velvia from 2007. I also have a roll of Fuji Sensia from probably 7 years ago and a roll of Velvia from 5 years ago with the Hasselblad SWC. I thought send them all together and see what will the result be. Well, the Fuji Sensia negative has changed the colours completely and also seems overexposed, either by me or from the lab. I converted to positive with Lightroom but I think the colours are unusable due to exposed too much. I could still do work in B&W. I do have a light box somewhere but I can't wait so I just use my iMac with a Google homepage as a background lightbox. The colour is right but because it's warm so it warm up the film to curl and not flat. The second drawback is you can see the pixel from the mon with the lighter areas on the film. I think I will need to put some tracing paper between the film and the mon. 最後修改時間: 2023-03-21 22:02:58 |
fotheringay 正式會員 88.xxx.xxx.207 |
2023-03-21 22:00 |
[#384] 菲林攝影 Then this is the roll taken with the Hasselblad SWC. 最後修改時間: 2023-03-21 22:05:44 |
fotheringay 正式會員 88.xxx.xxx.207 |
2023-03-21 22:04 |
[#385] 菲林攝影 And finally from the Bronica ETRS and I doubt the AE II Finder is accurate in AE but I let it play to see the rsult. I am right as they are all underexposed and I have then return the camera and the AEII Finder. I bought another ETRSi from my mu=y camera shop friend and I hope it is much more better. So these are from the returned ETRS. I have to adjust the exposure in Lightroom in order to allow us to see more details. I think there is a little bit of colour shift since the film expires in 2007!!! That said I think it is acceptable. 最後修改時間: 2023-03-21 22:08:23 |
fotheringay 正式會員 88.xxx.xxx.207 |
2023-03-21 22:06 |
[#386] 菲林攝影 今日重遊舊地,人面全非. |
gundam00 正式會員 49.xxx.xxx.144 |
2024-03-22 16:13 |
[#387] 菲林攝影 要走總要走 |
lym 正式會員 194.xxx.xxx.16 |
2024-03-22 16:24 |
[#388] 菲林攝影 天氣不似預期 但要走 總要飛 道別不可再等你 不管有沒有機 給我體貼入微 但你手 如明日便要遠離 願你可以 留下共我曾愉快的憶記 當世事再沒完美 可遠在歲月如歌中找你 .... |
御風 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.151 |
2024-03-22 16:34 |
[#389] 菲林攝影 N年前我幫襯佢買好多 Fuji NPS/NPC 同 Kodak Ektar。 |
Drhandguns 正式會員 2.xxx.xxx.111 |
2024-03-22 20:17 |
[#390] 菲林攝影 話說早幾日去相熟店舖買400TX存貨,點知冇貨之餘仲升到$10X一筒!! 最後買咗兩筒HP5@$75止吓癮算。相對Kodak真係抵_好多…… |
gundam00 正式會員 49.xxx.xxx.107 |
2024-03-23 08:52 |
[#391] 菲林攝影 很奇怪.有不少文青們居然用回菲林機.很多時我懷疑很多是拍而沒有沖曬或根本沒菲林.... (我有時見到有些什麼都不調,舉起便拍,但又唔似用hyperfocus. 就是用av也很多時反差大也需調一下呱.室內也如此.究竟影唔影到?) |
BenYC 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.76 |
2024-03-23 11:46 |
[#392] 菲林攝影 同X100一樣掛喺身上襯衫㗎!!得罪講句,佢哋識咩係「曝光鐵三角」咩:D 網絡圖片(X-ProIII) |
gundam00 正式會員 49.xxx.xxx.246 |
2024-03-23 13:03 |
[#393] 菲林攝影 師兄 得罪講句 ... 今時今日讀 design 嘅年青人,無論科大,港大,VTC...教授都有教菲林拍攝同學校入面有沖曬設備。 利申 起碼我識一班。 |
CodyChan 會員 119.xxx.xxx.157 |
2024-03-23 14:06 |
[#394] 菲林攝影 #393 吖!失覺曬~難得學校仲有教菲林那些事。頓時覺得當年觀塘職訓局讀攝影係一件好有型嘅事:P https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Z2fPJHxD2cR62iXcKGfxAcgShuZM4ifvQQfT9W4FN5xtL92egDh718AHoPXWdVZGl&id=620951547933069 |
gundam00 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.53 |
2024-03-23 14:58 |
[#395] 菲林攝影 唔得罪.我不太懂潮流. 我其實唔明大多數的奇怪求其拍攝是否真的影到?舉起便拍應收細光圈才可對焦.但光度又唔夠.當用上1600菲林但白天又.... 究竟有冇影?定是36張出到5張已夠. 最後修改時間: 2024-03-23 16:59:14 |
BenYC 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.76 |
2024-03-23 16:45 |
[#396] 菲林攝影 我見過一個年青人用Minolta srt. 嘩!好想試下.:-) 最後修改時間: 2024-03-23 16:51:02 |
BenYC 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.76 |
2024-03-23 16:50 |
[#397] 菲林攝影 SRT好野來。當然講僅係那個年代。 |
lym 正式會員 194.xxx.xxx.53 |
2024-03-23 16:56 |
[#398] 菲林攝影 其實我好欣賞後生重玩菲林,唔理佢地影咗咩出嚟,總之經過失敗再嘗試就自然會改進。 正如小弟當初影菲林相,學費不知交出多小了! 希望呢到啲長者都畀啲鼓勵佢地啦!唔好下下睇死佢地啦。 最後修改時間: 2024-03-23 17:36:32 |
CodyChan 會員 119.xxx.xxx.157 |
2024-03-23 17:35 |
[#399] 菲林攝影 我都同意。當然其中有D人係濫竽充數,但想一想現今你要去領受一下這經驗比我地那代更難。我地那時主要限制係錢,現在就算願比錢都吾一定可以好易能體驗。我們那時就是得這些,無咩其他選擇。現在佢地大把更方便更先進的替代。大可話佢地無野搵嚟搞扮高檔姐,但當中應有些係想探索一D方便先進以外既野。 最後修改時間: 2024-03-23 17:46:21 |
lym 正式會員 194.xxx.xxx.51 |
2024-03-23 17:44 |
[#400] 菲林攝影 正如小弟當初影菲林相,學費不知交出多小了! X2 幾十年前中學時學影相淨係得老豆部Pentax Sportmatic 50mm再加支騰龍zoom鏡, 都唔敢參加學校攝影學會, 因為大部分同學都係有錢仔, 已經玩緊Canon同Nikon AF機, 咩EOS5, F801... 最唔抵得係好多join school functions佢地都有分影(靚女)。 |
Drhandguns 正式會員 2.xxx.xxx.111 |
2024-03-23 19:19 |