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[#1] 觀塘邊間奶茶正 本人喜歡飲奶茶、觀塘市中心舊區邊間奶茶正,集思廣益,有勞師兄們。 |
niceman 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.246 |
2022-12-19 23:11 | |
[#2] 觀塘邊間奶茶正 九龍灣北記 |
dynaco 正式會員 58.xxx.xxx.46 |
2022-12-19 23:58 |
[#3] 觀塘邊間奶茶正 之前飲過都OK https://www.openrice.com/zh/hongkong/r-%E8%8B%B1%E7%99%BC%E8%8C%B6%E5%86%B0%E5%BB%B3-%E8%A7%80%E5%A1%98-%E6%B8%AF%E5%BC%8F-r13583 |
MinnaNoTabo 正式會員 42.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-12-20 00:26 |
[#4] 觀塘邊間奶茶正 I only found that many restaurants were offering tasteless tea with milk, to cut down the cost. Some even used soy milk, not Black & White milk(now, $15/can, retail) One used cream(?), stomach bloating. Would rather have homebrewed one. Seeing HK in a cup of tea, declining. Ying fat, was there last week when buying seafood on Shui wo st. Congested and people were talking loud without mask. Go only deemed necessary. |
alexanderkoo 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.223 |
2022-12-20 05:51 |
[#5] 觀塘邊間奶茶正 可唔可以打中文? 英文唔多明。 No offence. |
yourcousin 正式會員 180.xxx.xxx.105 |
2022-12-29 19:40 |
[#6] 觀塘邊間奶茶正 其實好多時大家樂大快活嘅一杯奶茶, 因為水準Keep到,仲比其他茶記好 茶記通常早餐時間新鮮沖嘅先會好味 |
MinnaNoTabo 正式會員 42.xxx.xxx.80 |
2022-12-29 19:48 |
[#7] 觀塘邊間奶茶正 奶茶來講, 大家樂吾錯既, 但係差在用膠杯 ................. |
patrick88 正式會員 123.xxx.xxx.181 |
2022-12-29 19:53 |
[#8] 觀塘邊間奶茶正 我都好鍾意飲奶茶 港式奶茶----茶餐廳我會揀唔好太多奶嘅 英式茶----TWG 雖然貴不過品質真係唔錯,我office有大量 另一個好好嘅選擇,就係泰式奶茶,我飲咗幾年覺得味道好organic 有少少似Rooibos tea,別有一番風味 鍾意飲奶茶嘅朋友,真係要好好試吓泰式奶茶。記得一定要熱飲。我發覺泰國人經營嘅水門雞,泰式奶茶非常好 |
Thanatos 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.174 |
2022-12-29 21:36 |
[#9] 觀塘邊間奶茶正 #8 印像中泰式奶茶都好甜,我都好鍾意飲奶茶呀不過我不落糖。 |
shektau6 正式會員 24.xxx.xxx.72 |
2022-12-30 02:26 |
[#10] 觀塘邊間奶茶正 我飲奶茶都唔落糖,但係就係鐘意印度餐廳嘅 Masala 茶,以前會走去中環 Teakha 飲,好正,可惜佢哋一年前結業。 |
Dlbf 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.138 |
2022-12-30 06:35 |
[#11] 觀塘邊間奶茶正 我飲奶茶都唔落糖 但係出街飲泰式奶茶,佢哋好似用煉奶整,一定甜 所以我自己響屋企整泰式奶茶,就乜都唔落,飛沙走奶 (泰國人可能會覺得我嗰啲唔係正統泰式奶茶) |
Thanatos 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.174 |
2022-12-30 09:59 |
[#12] 觀塘邊間奶茶正 我每朝都要飲熱奶茶,一定加糖,好似飲可樂咁,唔甜唔好飲。 我都飲紅茶、齋啡或espresso ,飲呢類就唔會加糖,嗒原味。 |
skyliner 正式會員 1.xxx.xxx.182 |
2022-12-30 10:11 |
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