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發佈日期:2014-09-18 14:49:06

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Volkswagen Passat BMT 預展推廣優惠 (2014 年 9 月 20-21 日)

Volkswagen Passat BMT 預展推廣優惠 (2014 年 9 月 20-21 日)

Volkswagen Passat BMT 預展推廣優惠

地點: Volkswagen 香港陳列室、Volkswagen 九龍陳列室以及 Volkswagen 新界銷售服務中心
日期: 2014 年 9 月 20 日至 21 日 (本週六及日)
時間: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm

  • Volkswagen 在本週末於全線陳列室接受Passat BMT訂購,推廣價分別為港幣$259,880 (Comfortline)  和 $289,880 (Highline),首 30 部可享此優惠。
  • Passat BMT 是 Passat 家族中首款搭配蟬聯 9 次最佳引擎國際大奬榮譽的 1.4 TSI 雙增壓引擎,實現小容積引擎對高扭力輸出和低油耗的追求。結合 7 速 DSG 雙離合器波箱,Passat BMT Highline 輸出160匹 馬力,峰值扭力達240Nm,最高時速可達 220km/h。加上首次搭配 BlueMotion Technology 技術以及 Park Assist 泊車輔助系統,燃油效益和操控表現更勝一籌。
查詢熱線: 3698 9618 香港、3698 9888 九龍、2448 8248 新界


Volkswagen Passat BMT Early Bird Special

Location: Volkswagen Hong Kong Centre, Volkswagen Kowloon Centre & Volkswagen New Territories Centre
Date:  20 ─ 21 September, 2014 (Saturday ─ Sunday)
Time: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm

Special promotion*:
  • Make immediate action to visit Volkswagen showrooms to enjoy the early bird special offer of Passat BMT at HK$259,880 (Comfortline) and HK$289,880 (Highline). Apply to the first 30 units on a first-come- first-served basis.
  • Passat BMT is the first in its family equipped with the 1.4 litre TSI twincharger engine, which won for the ninth time in succession in the ‘International Engine of the Year Award’, indicating that small engine, high performance and fuel economy can be in one package without sacrifice. Enhanced by the 7-speed DSG gearbox, Passat BMT Highline produces great power at 160PS and maximum torque of 240Nm reaching its top speed at 220km/h. Thanks to BlueMotion Technology and Park Assist, the car enjoys better handling performance and greater fuel efficiency. 

Inquiry Hotline: 3698 9618 Hong Kong / 3698 9888 Kowloon / 2448 8248 New Territories

*Terms & conditions are applied.

Last modified: 2014-09-18 14:57:50

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