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Wyred4Sound 推出 bLINK 及 Recovery 兩款小巧 reclocker

Wyred4Sound 成立於 2007 年,廠商位於美國加州,其創始人 EJ Sarmento 長期活躍在電子領域,他早期在 Cullen Circuits 工作,此公司亦是長期替 PS Audio、Infinity、BGW、Camelot Technology 制作 ODM、OEM 的音響設計公司。在這樣的技術背景支持下,Wyred4Sound 雖然成立不久,但他們的產品音色及設計成熟,故在全球各大知名音響網站中備受推崇,由此可見設計者 EJ Sarmento 音響設計功力非凡。這次,它們再次在擅長的數碼領域中,增添二員小巧 reclocker (時鐘重整)成員,分別為具藍牙無線串流功能的 bLINK(Bluetooth streamer / reclocker)以及專門針對電腦 USB 輸出的 Recovery(USB reclocker),定價為 USD$499 及 USD$249 。
bLINK(Bluetooth streamer/reclocker)顧名思義,主要功能包括接收無線藍牙音樂傳輸,另採用一個世界級 Femto 時鐘,有效改善藍牙串流音樂的質素。而另一件產品 Recovery(USB reclocker),則主要針對改善由電腦USB輸出的音樂訊號,重整時鐘訊號,讓訊號中的時基更準,從而改善重播質素。
向來主力推出新興音響數碼產品的 Wyred4Sound,這次推出的兩件產品均為針對改善 CAS 及藍牙串流音樂的小道具。他們的產品音質向來極為純淨,其 C / P 值高而常被網友讚譽,是在網絡上評價相當高的新興品牌,而在聖誕節廠方更在官方網頁中促銷,在 12 月 31 日前訂購的話,定價再減 $100 美元,本身 bLINK 及 Recovery 的訂價已算合理,再減價之下可說更加吸引。

Last modified: 2015-12-28 20:13:11
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We tested Wyred4Sound Recovery at showroom.
Simple to set-up.
Compact in size
Come with a short USB cable. Make it easy to insert it to your existing USB connection.
Picture of set-up at showroom.
W4S Recovery => USB isolation + reclock using femto clock.
Further tested using 9V battery pack to power W4S Recovery to get optimal performance.
W4S Recovery tested DC voltage safe range is 6V-9V. With this DC voltage operation range, it is easy to work with battery. Battery voltage drops after using for a while, W4S Recovery performance will continue be excellent until it drop below 6V.
A user asked me how long would battery pack be able to power Wyred4Sound Recovery USB Re-Clocker?
It depends on the power consumption of the DAC. For my environment using W4S DAC2 DSD SE, our measurement is 170mA.
I have brought rechargeable battery - 2100mAh. In this case, it should be able to power Recovery USB Re-Clocker for 12 hours
Wyred4Sound Recovery USB Reclocker is using femto clock. To make femto clock perform best, power quality is critical. We used a linear regulated power supply + 長物志 DC buffer. The improvement was very good.
But having battery power, it bring the sound quality to the next level. As previously tested, the current measured is 170mA which make it feasible to use rechargeable battery for daily use. Using 2100 mph rechargeable battery could run Wyred4Sound Recovery USB Reclocker for 12 hours.
The next step was how to improve battery power. So I have brought a 6800 uF capacitor and put it in parallel to the battery, and lower the DC power impedance.
We did A/B comparison of 2 battery packs, one coupled with capacitor, one without. I achieved excellent result by adding capacitor. I'm so happy with this regenerated USB digital audio source. Now I can comfortably recommend it.
Dear C Hing, I have tested this usb reclocker that is very amazing. It not just privdes me the very good extension of high and low frequency, strong dynamic and deep and dark soundstage, but make the songs with rich musicality. I want to upgrade the power supply to linear power supply, such as, Teradak 9v. Do you think the improvement will be significant?
Your comment would be much appreciated.
The power supply come with is switching power supply with very low ripple of 13uV. So it is pretty good. In general, linear power supply is better than switching, but not all linear power supply are the same quality. You need to try and find out. I'm sending a battery pack for you to try. Let me know the improvement when you receive it.
C Hing, tks so much.
I have tried a few USB products in te past, honestly very little improvement to my ears but this one really works. Using the PS come along you could immediately hear background is darker and instrument separation a bit better, thanks for making the batteries pack that once you use it, no return. Now I am using 1900mah ones, will try others of higher current to see if there will be any difference. I think the little guy will sound better after it's been fully run in.
Recovery is using Femto quality clock to handle the re-clocking. That is why it works great. To get the best sound quality from the Femto Clock, a clean power is essential. Battery is best. The Recovery accept a good range of 6V-9V DC power, it is perfect to use it with battery. No need to worry about the voltage drop after using the battery for a while.
I made the little battery pack connected to a 6800uF capacitor as buffer. So that it is more "responsive". With the capacitor, is much better than battery alone. I suspect using higher current battery may not have much further improvement given the capacitor is in place. Anyway, It is fun to try, let us know the results.
Picture of the battery pack. The 6800uF capacitor is important part of the battery pack. It is hidden behind the 2.1mm DC power plug.
Dear odysseyhk, Tks so much for the battery pack that I have tested. The performance is amazing. The back ground is very dark. The separation of each instrument is very clear. The sound is very smooth and musicality.
As for the USB noise terminator that can make the vocal is more detail.
Tks again.
W4S Recovery USB Reclocker using custom made battery pack + USB noise terminator is now my reference USB source .
Would Ching share how long battery could last in your environment ?
two days, around 10 hours.
Dear C Hing, have you tried inserting ifi power 9v into the Recovery? Ifi power said it's noise is 1uV.
Eneloop batteries are better than other brands like Sony or GP, when fully charged 6 pieces total voltage keep at 8.4-8.5V pretty stable. After 10 hrs usage, it drops to app 7.5V still between the range of 6-9V required by RUR. Basically the performance of RUR did not drop much within this range, at least to my ears.
Where to buy recovery in HK and how much? Or buy direct from US?
Odyssey Audio HK is reseller for Hong Kong.
Spent some time having A/B comparison of Akaline battery and Eneloop Rechargeable battery. Eneloop Rechargeable sounds better, more transparent and better 3D space. I like it. It is more environmental friendly using rechargeable battery and better sound as well.
Done some study with battery. I think the impedance of battery make the difference.
I had tried A/B comparison of Panasonic Eneloop Rechargeable battery x 6 and Alkaline Battery x 6 (Duracell). Panasonic Eneloop Battery sounded much better.
Duracell is 181mOhm per cell. While Eneloop is 25mOhm.
For a 6 cells set up. Duracell is 1.086 ohm. While Eneloop is 0.15ohm. I think that make the difference. The noise level of battery should be similar for low power consumption. The impedance have the biggest influence in this A/B test. That is exactly what I want to learn with this experiment.
My view is that for digital circuit, the power internal resistance is key to performance. That will give a fast respond power source to support a fast “rise time” digital signal.
I'll also work on some experiment with choice of capacitor. Hope we could further improve it.
Created battery pack with 5 different capacitors (Electrolyte and Aluminum Organic Polymer). I like the improvement with these low ESR capacitors. Comparing them and now I know how they perform and what I like most.
Now we have a re-clocked USB digital audio using femto clock powered by battery pack coupled with low ESR capacitor.
Actually I created 7 of them and tested. Now I know better choice of capacitor.
Also compared battery (Alkaline battery vs Rechargeable battery - Panasonic envelop)
A "small" project:
Fanless PC with SSD (Running Daphile) => W4S Recovery Reclocker (Battery Powered) => DragonFly RED DAC (powered by USB which is regulated from battery pack input to reclocker)
Very nice sound.
sound intetesting for relative low cost set up. did you try panasonic 18650 can perform well?