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Shunyata Research 蛇皇Venom Series

美國蛇皇Sigma 及Zitron Alpha 系列電源線在市場上享負盛名. 其入門系列 Venom Series 現在亦已推出全線配套產品如電源拖板, 電源處理器, 訊號線, 喇叭線,HDMI線 及USB線. 為發燒友提拱全線蛇皇在這較大眾化價位的選擇.
需說是大眾化價位, 但設計師兼老板Mr. Caelin Gabriel 拍心口說: 這是市面上性價比最高的產品.
Venom 系列設計用上與頂級 Hydra, Sigma系列相同之技術如:
CCC - Computer Controlled Cryogenics (冷凍技術), CCI™ (Component-to-Component Interference防干擾技術), DTCD™ (Dynamic Transient Current Delivery動態電流優化技術), Gemini Module保護系統(provides a massive 40,000 amps of surge protection), OFE ALLOY 101 Copper(擁有國際認証最靚之純銅), 蛇皇SR-Z1插座.
Last modified: 2016-06-17 00:14:25
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採用 AI 麥克風技術,ELECOM 推出具備降噪功能的 USB-C 耳機 EHP-DF17CM
VENOM Series Signal and Speaker Cables represent fifteen years of Shunyata Research’s evolved technical innovation and custom-parts engineering. The over-reaching goal was to create products that possess peerless quality and performance, at real-world prices. You’ll find that the finest in signal cable performance need not cost a fortune.
- OHNO -- Continuous Cast Copper
- VTX™ Conductors (hollow-core)
- Premium Shunyata XLR and RCA Connectors
- 100% coverage braided shield
- Stunning Aesthetic
- Very Flexible Cables
- Incredible Value
Venom 還有發燒級USB cable
Unlike the majority of USB's that are little more than re-badged printer cables, the VENOM USB uses Shunyata’s most expensive VTX (Virtual Tube Geometry) pure copper conductors, which bring a more life-like textural element and image density to visual and audio performances. The VENOM USB’s signal conductors are are completely separated from the power conductors, which is a departure from the mixed power and signal conductor bundle that comprise the vast majority of USB cable designs. This power and signal separation reduces cross-talk and noise to vanishingly low levels.
No similar product approaches the combination of construction quality, performance and undeniable value of Shunyata Research's VENOM USB.
Venom 系列全線現貨有售啦!
Shunyata Research designed the VENOM HDMI™ to offer a visibly superior picture and improved sound quality. And yet, our goal was to provide a cable at a price that everyone could afford.
Comparisons reveal that few videophile oriented HDMI™ cables offer much more than department store performance while the uber expensive HDMI™ cables are noticeably superior - they certainly couldn't be considered a good value.
In keeping with Shunyata's commitment to unprecedented value within the VENOM line, the VENOM HDMI™ was created to offer reference level performance at an affordable price.
Before spending more on any other HDMI™ product, test and compare the VENOM HDMI™ for yourself. You will find its performance and price to be irresistible.
- Dolby True HS
- Dolby Digital Plus
- DTS-HD Master Audio
- ARC (Audio return channel)
- Uncompressed Multi Channel Digital Audio Ethernet Support
- Up to 4320p (4k)
- Bandwidth Speed up to 10.2 Ghz
- Supports 3D and 1.4
- Supports Audio Return Channel (ARC) and HDMI Return Channel (HRC)
- Supports Dolby True HS, Dolby Digital Plus and DTS-HD Master Audio
- Uncompressed Digital Video Transmission
- Uncompressed Multi Channel Digital Audio
Venom MPC 12A 提拱2組獨立6位共12位之A/V 專同用電源處理器.
The MPC-12A has two independent zones of 6 outlets each, for a total of 12 outlets. This allows for the normal segregation of analog and digital components or between amplifiers and source components. The "A" designation stands for audio although it can also be used in all forms of audio/video systems. The two isolated zones will be labeled "A/V Zone 1" and "A/V Zone 2”.
At the core of the MPC-12A are Shunyata’s latest generation of CCI™ (Component-to-Component Interference) filters. These powerful multi-frequency noise-filters provide exceptional isolation for electronics without interfering with DTCD™ (Dynamic Transient Current Delivery) or electronics power supply function. The MPC-12 "A" has none of the drawbacks commonly associated with traditional forms “power conditioning” yet provides all of the protection and noise isolation that benefit electronics systems of all types.
Complementing the superior noise isolation in the MPC-12 "A" are dual 12 gauge OFE 101 copper conductors. This massive 9 gauge aggregate conductor set insures optimum DTCD™ performance for any and all high-current draw systems. Surge and spike protection are included in the form of Shunyata Research'’s Surge module, which has had a virtually zero failure rate since its inception. Putting these elements together in a 12 outlet, form-follows-function package makes the MPC-12 "A" an incredible value. For those looking at the next big step-up from Shunyata Research’s critically heralded PS-8 power distributor, the MPC-12 "A" delivers on that promise.
The MPC-12 “A” and “C” models also feature on-board surge, spike and over-current protection with a built-in status L.E.D. indicator.
Venom MPC 12C 提拱1組(6位)A/V專及1組(6位) 數碼流用電源處理器.
The VENOM MPC-12 "C" is a "media power center" designed specifically for computer-based audio, video and musicserver-based systems. Computer-media based music systems use several digital or processing components associated with computers (server). These devices are often made with commodity power supplies that put out significant amounts of power line noise. The MPC-12C is designed specifically to segregate or “firewall” the computer or video related components -- preventing them from polluting the performance of your high-end analog components.
The MPC-12C (Media Power Center) has two independent zones of 6 outlets each, for a total of 12 outlets. Zones separate analog and digital components or between amplifiers and source components. The "C" designation stands for computer although can also be used in all forms of audio/video systems. The two isolated zones are labeled "A/V Zone 1" and "A/V Zone 2”.
The MPC-12 "C" is Shunyata Research’s most finely tuned power distributor in terms of its system specific design and function. Essentially, the MPC-12 contains two separate power conditioners starting from the power inlet. In section one, The MPC-12 "C" uses Shunyata’s finest CCI™ (Component-to-Component Interference) filter arrays to reduce noise and enhance performance while still allowing for maximum current-delivery to even the most power hungry amplifiers.
The other side of the MPC-12 "C", employs a custom-manufactured hand-wound air coil which literally fire-walls intense computer or video generated noise from affecting the components plugged into the second bank of six high-current/Analog outlets.
For those with computer audio or videocentric systems, the MPC-12 "C" is the best choice. Both MPC-12 models feature on-board surge, spike and over-current protection, including a built-in status L.E.D. indicator.
Venom 1m rca賣梗幾錢呢?
Venom PS8 提拱8組輸出純拖板.
Many of the same premium parts and hand-craftsmanship that have earned the HYDRA Series products multiple awards and professional endorsements are also used in the PS8 -- with the most significant difference being the PS8’s extraordinarily affordable price!
The PS8 is designed for a life-time of dependable service with from a chassis constructed of heavy gauge powder coated steel and a beautiful stainless steel top plate.
The VENOM PS8 has several applications including:
- Media Centers and Home Theaters
- Power System Expansion
- Purist Power Distribution
- Noise reduction and surge protection (optional VENOM DEFENDER)
Venom Amp-1 提拱1組專為要五大功率功放而設的電源處理器.
VENOM AMP-1 is a dedicated single outlet high-current power distributor. It is ideal for mono-block amplifiers, video projectors and remotely located components. The AMP-1 was designed using Shunyata Research’s DTCD™ Analyzer to optimize instantaneous current delivery. There are no current breakers or fuses, which further streamline its dedicated purpose to optimize the performance of high power amplifiers, projectors or single component devices.
The AMP-1 uses parts, materials and technologies developed for Shunyata Research's award-winning reference TRITON power distributor. Shunyata Research’s Gemini module provides over 40,000 amps of surge and transient protection along with noise reduction derived from the CCI™ and MPDA™ filters. If you have multiple dedicated lines, the AMP-1 may be used to power the amplifiers while a VENOM PS8 or VENOM MPC-12 can be used to power the front-end components.