發佈日期:2016-07-22 18:27:00

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美國 Shunyata Research 推出新款 Denali 電源處理器

除大家熟悉的 CCI, copperCONN, NIC V2, QR/BB技術以外,Denali 採用vibration control 技術有效控制諧振, 另聲音得到伸展。  最新ArNi® conductors 以OFE C0100 純銅配合最新KPIP™ (Kinetic Phase Inversion Process)技術, 聲音悠揚悅耳。 加上專門為Denali 開發之線材承托系統(Cable CradleSupport System), 為發燒友帶來完美音響體驗。 

Last modified: 2016-07-22 18:27:00

發表您對 < 新款 Denali 電源處理器 > 的意見


#1 - Avantgarde :
2016-07-27 11:34:14

新款Denali 提拱放便有效之線材承托系統(Cable CradleSupport System).

Shunyata Research introduces a unique solution for the problem of heavy high-end power cables. This system supports the weight of the power cable, thus preventing it from pulling away from the outlet.

#2 - Avantgarde :
2016-07-29 11:43:34

CopperCONN® 專用插座

Shunyata Research’s own AC outlets are made from solid OFE copper contacts. These outlets provide the highest level of conductivity with the least amount of electrical resistance. There is no better outlet in the industry.

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The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司
