本文作者:Onkyo HK
發佈日期:2011-12-16 02:52:09

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Onkyo 至貼心推廣活動


Onkyo 至貼心推廣活動

你是否想配置一套 3D 家庭影音擴音機,卻又擔心接線麻煩? ……

由即日起至 2011 年 12 月 31 日, 客戶凡購買 Onkyo TX-NR509 或 TX-SR309 高清家庭影院擴音機一台, 可獲一次性 <<免費上門接線及基本調校服務>>。客戶提供之發票上必須清楚列明是次推廣產品型號, 方可參加是次活動。此推廣活動只適用於登記地址為香港境內的客戶。

  1. 客戶必須於指定日期內購買是次推廣產品型號, 方可參加是次活動;
  2. 客戶必須於發票日期起30天內向本公司登記換領優惠, 逾期者本公司將不作其他安排;
  3. 登記方法:

  4. 客戶於登記時,必須提供客戶資料、經銷商名稱、發票日期及號碼、功放機機身編號及傳真發票副本到24289039;
  5. 客戶必須閱讀及同意<<免費上門接線及基本調校服務>>之條款細則,本公司方可安排工作人員上述服務;
  6. 本公司於不超過兩個工作天聯絡登記客戶,確認資料無誤及回覆優惠安排;
  7. 安橋人員將安排一週內完成所述服務;
  8. 如有任何爭議,Onkyo China Ltd. 保留最終決定權。

查詢活動詳情: 2484 6922


Free Set up and Basic adjustment On-site Service

Do you want to buy a set of 3D Home Theatre Receiver, but worried about the wiring trouble? ……

From now until Dec 31, 2011, the customer who purchases a set of OnkyoTX-NR509 or TX-SR309 AV Receiver will obtain a free ‘Set up and Basic adjustment On-site Service’. Customer's invoice must be clearly listed the promotion item for joining this promotion. The promotion is only applies for those register with Hong Kong address.

Promotions’ Terms and Conditions:
  1. Customer can join the promotion that purchases the promotion product during the promotion period;
  2. The registration should submit within 30 days from the date of purchase;
  3. Methods of Registration:

  4. Customer need to fill all the information and send the copy of invoice by fax to 2428 9039;
  5. Customer need to read and agree the Service’s Terms and Conditions for our further arrangement;
  6. After receive the registration, Onkyo Staff will contact the customer within 2 days;
  7. Under normal procedure, Onkyo Staff will arrange the service within one week;
  8. All rights are reserved by Onkyo China Limited.

Promotion Hotline: (852) 2484 6922

Last modified: 2011-12-16 03:08:03

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#1 - peterparkerhifi :
2012-01-07 09:22:27


review33 on mobile

The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司
