發佈日期:2012-01-06 14:09:07

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「2012 豐田車展」

全新豐田 Mark X 豪華四門跑車首次展出

全新豐田 Mark X 豪華四門跑車首次展出

皇冠汽車有限公司將於本週末假尖沙咀海港城舉行「2012 豐田車展」,場內將首次展出豐田唯一前置引擎後輪驅動豪華四門跑車-全新豐田 Mark X,成就無可比擬的駕駛樂趣,加上配備 18” 合金輪圈,跑格盡現,只售 $349,100 起。同場更會展出豐田全線型號,讓你飽覽豐田車系多元化的選擇,歡迎親臨參觀選購。此外,現時尚餘少量 2011 年出廠全新車輛,車展期間選購指定型號即可享 2011 年現貨優惠價,請把握最後機會,萬勿錯過。

「2012 豐田車展」詳情如下:

日期 :    2012 年 1 月 7 至 8 日 (本週六、日)
時間 :    上午 10 時至晚上8時
地點 :    九龍尖沙咀海港城海運大廈展覽大堂
展出型號:全新豐田 Mark X 及其他熱賣型號

全新豐田 Mark X 售價:
Mark X Sport            $349,100
Mark X Sport Plus    $389,700

詳情請瀏覽皇冠汽車有限公司網站 (http://www.crown-motors.com/) 或與各豐田營業顧問查詢。

  • 九龍灣總店        2305 4555   
  • 灣仔            2866 1020
  • 沙田            2688 2778   
  • 元朗            2477 4286

Last modified: 2012-01-06 14:12:49

發表您對 < 全新豐田 Mark X 豪華四門跑車首次展出 > 的意見


#1 - anon99 :
2012-01-07 01:59:27

Sport? Sport Plus... WTF!??
No such grades ever exist
Crown Motors, please don't make any more lies

Base 250G and 250G S-Package Relax Selection? Just these? No 350S?

No good...

#2 - ff4300 :
2012-01-07 02:08:41

Sport or Sport Plus just packages name to classify different options package, not grading.

Like BMW HK, they have "Executive", "Executive Plus" package also cannot found in Germany.

#3 - anon99 :
2012-01-07 02:14:43

Well at least CM should specify the general grade ie. 250G -- emblem also shown on RHS of trunk door

IMHO CM should really learn from the mistake of Honest Motors (ie. Nissan dealer), for having disregarded the Y32/33 Cedric/Gloria model names back in the mid-90s (even removed ALL CedGlo emblems) for the grades instead (Brougham, Gran Turismo etc.), that was bad and misleading marketing, really 剃眼眉
#4 - 我是一個人 :
2012-01-07 15:40:13

香港入果副偈係唔同的,係2850ccV6,203匹/243nm, 新偈?



#5 - anon99 :
2012-01-08 00:58:57

See?? CM is absolute coward, fool
Folks there don't even proofread the price list and let it out!??
Is that Inchcape quality?? JESUS!!

Simply put, there's NO Toyota engine rated at 2.9L

250G uses 4GR-FSE
#6 - jamestcp :
2012-01-08 11:25:57

What is "四前速超級電子控制自動波箱" ?
#7 - anon99 :
2012-01-08 14:54:55

"四前速超級電子控制自動波箱 = Super ECT"

This one uses "6 Super ECT = Super Intelligent 6速自動波" + paddle shift

Looking at the price list...
Seems like base Sport grade is actually 250G S-Package?
FYI paddle shift and AVS sus are only available in S-Package (and 350S)
#8 - ff4300 :
2012-01-08 21:27:29

Too bad the show was closed when I get there.

#9 - anon99 :
2012-01-09 19:02:13

Nothing excited about anyways

The only worthy model is the Sport+ (ie. 250G S-Pkg Relax Sel.), although leather interior is not as good as Camry's (factory leather looks a bit inferior, perhaps one grade lower)

The other one (Sport/250G) is very, very barebones -- yes it is REAL 250G -- just not worth that $350k

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