Home > 用家意見 > 接線 > AudioQuest Speaker Cable CV-6 DBS 36V
AudioQuest Speaker Cable CV-6 DBS 36V
公司網頁 AudioQuest
售價: HK$3,000 
平均得分 4.25 
產品簡介 CONDUCTORS: All six of CV-6’s conductors are solid. Electrical and magnetic interaction between strands in a conventional cable is the single greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat harsh, dirty and confused sound. Solid conductors are the most important ingredients enabling CV-6’s very clear sound. Whether a conductor is solid or stranded, skin-effect is a prime distortion mechanism in speaker cables. CV-6 very simply keeps this effect out of the audio range by using conductor sizes that are below the threshold for audible distortion.n


頁數: 1
#2: 由 nokiaman 於 2006-08-05 09:57:00 提供
使用時間 多過一年 
購買價錢 HK$2800 
用家意見 該廠的CV6和TYPE6發售後,其價格性能比和高音質特性受到好評,現將其升級成6芯高清晰度電纜。明顯提高音質方面的中間跳躍的音質力感。特別是CV6,與上級機型同樣採用HIGH GRADE導體素材,PSC和PSC+混合使用,使低音播放和立體表現力更上一層樓。兩種電纜的構造完全相同,只是導體素材不同。由於是6芯結構,故單線,雙線,雙層雙線都可使用。

高音及中音明顯清晰,細節; 至於低音沒有特別驚喜。

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