Home > 用家意見 > DVD影碟機 > 步步高 DVD-BBK911
步步高 DVD-BBK911
公司網頁 步步高
售價: HK$ 
平均得分 4.66 
產品簡介 - 雙光束超強糾錯機芯﹐支持讀取CD-R碟片n
- 美國斯高柏公司新一代金娃(ZiVA-4.1)解碼器n
- AC-3/DTS數字音頻光纖、同軸輸出n
- 兼容﹐流暢解讀DVD、超級VCD、VCD、CD、MP3、CD-R等各種格式碟n
- PAL/NTSC雙制式﹐圖像無壓縮n
- 超寬電源電壓(∼110V-∼250V 50Hz/60Hz)工作範圍﹐短路自動保護n


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#3: 由 Sean P 於 2002-01-14 17:04:25 提供
使用時間 只是試用過 
購買價錢 HK$1000 
用家意見 Very Good for $1000 if you do not need Karaoke & Component out! Picture quality is already very good with the S-video cable. Brought it in Causeway Bay yesterday. First, I went to Wah Yuen Club but they were out-of-stock, they offered me a discount at $900 for the display one (not running any disc). But I thought... 
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The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司
