Home > 用家意見 > CD機 > Cambridge Audio Azur 840C
Cambridge Audio Azur 840C
公司網頁 Cambridge Audio
售價: HK$ 
意見總數 13 
平均得分 4.73 
產品簡介 Azur 840C up-sampling CD playern
- Adaptive Time Filtering (ATF) asynchronous up-sampling technology converting 16-bit 44.1 kHz CD data to 24-bit 384kHzn
- 32-bit Analog Devices Black Fin DSPn
- Dual differential DAC configuration using high-end Analog Devices AD1955 DACsn
- Fully differential anti-aliasing topolopgy based on linear phase Bessel filtersn
- DC servo circuitry with no capacitors in the signal pathn
- Two digital inputs allowing up-sampling and playback of other sourcesn
- Digital outputs allow recording of up-sampled audion
- Control Bus In/Out, IR emitter in and RS232 for easy multi-room compatibilityn
- Extruded aluminium side panels and solid aluminium front panel plus an ultra rigid, acoustically dampened chassisn
- Navigator style Azur remote control which also controls Azur amplifiersn
- Available in silver or black 


頁數: > 1 2
#13: 由 leon 於 2006-12-17 21:03:47 提供
使用時間 少過一個月 
購買價錢 HK$8500 
用家意見 upsample 384 khz, GOOD details analysis. 
扺用指數: | 滿意指數:
頁數: > 1 2

review33 on mobile

The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司
