Home > 用家意見 > CD機 > Cambridge Audio Azur 740C upsampling CD player
Cambridge Audio Azur 740C upsampling CD player
公司網頁 Cambridge Audio
售價: HK$7,000 
平均得分 4.00 
產品簡介 - Adaptive Time Filtering (ATF) asynchronous upsampling technology converting 16-bit 44.1 kHz CD data to 24-bit 384 kHzn
- Two Wolfson WM8740 DACs in dual differential configuration – separate DACs for left and right channelsn
- New virtual earth balanced Bessel anti-aliasing filters with minimum phase and constant group delayn
- IR emitter and Control Bus In/Out for easy custom installationn
- Navigator style Azur remote which also controls:n
* iPod" track skip and volume functionsn
* Azur amplifiersn
* Cambridge Audio’s Incognito keypadsn
* Discrete commands for custom install usen
- Solid aluminium front panel plus an ultra rigid, acoustically dampened chassis for extremely low distortionn
- Available in silver or black 


頁數: 1
#2: 由 mikewong_ 於 2007-12-24 09:17:35 提供
使用時間 少過一個月 
購買價錢 HK$6200 
用家意見 聲音清晰同準確,分析力好,順滑不突兀。外表斯文,價錢雖比640V2高二千多,但兩者分別非常明顯。相反用840c相比,只輸少少(840c貴二千元)若非即時A、B兩者比較,實聽不出分別。如果要數不滿意的話,是價錢略貴。可以五千元左右就完美啦!
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The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司
