Home > 用家意見 > 前級擴音機 > Convergent Audio Technology SL-1 Signature
Convergent Audio Technology SL-1 Signature
公司網頁 Convergent Audio Technology
售價: HK$20,000 
平均得分 4.91 
產品簡介 with mc phono amp inside


頁數: 1
#6: 由 Andy Tam 於 2001-11-14 22:33:43 提供
使用時間 三個月至一年 
購買價錢 HK$20000 
用家意見 Has tight bass, fast and transparent sound! Excellent mid-range. I owned Krell KBL before owning CAT. The latter has a overall higher grade than the former. Has a high value for money!Moreover, its phono part is extremely excellent.
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頁數: 1

The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司

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