Home > 用家意見 > CD機 > C.E.C TL51X Belt-drive CD transport
C.E.C TL51X Belt-drive CD transport
公司網頁 C.E.C
售價: HK$ 
平均得分 4.37 
產品簡介 CEC presents the TL51X compatible with CD-R/RW discs incorporating sophisticated the previous belt-drive technologies. In the TL51X , the spindle motor, which drives disc, is completely isolated from the mechanics chassis by the belt drive. Any vibration or electromagnetic noise arising from the motor are either shut out or absorbed at the source. As a result, quiet and smooth rotation is achieved on a level that conventional CD player cannot reach. n
- Format Belt-drive CD transport n
- Digital output AES/EBU(XLR), Coaxial(RCA), Optical(TOS), CEC Super Link(9pin D-Sub) n
- Power supply AC 230V, 50/60Hz (specified on rear panel) n
- Power consumption 10W n
- Dimensions 435(W) x 296(D) x 98(H)mm n
- Weight 9.9kg n
- Accessory Remote control, AC Power cable, CD stabillizer, User's Manual n


頁數: 1
#4: 由 130 於 2006-05-09 21:49:19 提供
使用時間 一個月至三個月 
購買價錢 HK$6800 
用家意見 這個淨盤的質素真可用(驚人)兩字去形容,1.其在運轉時的穩定性及背景寧靜度足可與身價高幾倍的淨盤比較,2.其輸出的音色屬細緻、背景寧靜、音場夠深夠寬、音場好穩定,富音樂感、3.又可對應CD-R/RW,以上評論是這盤本身的質素,而用家想玩出自己對聲音的要求及個人口味,就要在配線及選配解碼上落奶牷A但不難達到要求,(我真係唔明,點解咁好咁大眾化的器材都無人推介?)。以前想買個淨盤唔過萬都唔洗想。
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頁數: 1

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