Home > 用家意見 > CD機 > Denon DCD-SA1 SACD/CD Player
Denon DCD-SA1 SACD/CD Player
公司網頁 Denon
售價: HK$36,800 
意見總數 23 
平均得分 4.50 
產品簡介 - 'Advanced AL24 Processing,' the latest technology for high sound quality
- Original Drive Mechanism, the heart of DENON's digital disc playback technology
- High-accuracy master clock oscillator, to suppress jitter and noise
- Fully balanced output using 4-DAC configuration
- Triple floating power supply
- Thoroughly vibration-resistant construction
- European Sound Tune
- 4-layer bottom plate construction
- Cast iron insulator
- Hybrid construction for all panels
- Vibration-resistant PC board design
- Flexible input/output, also operates as high-grade D/A converter
- Pure Direct mode


頁數: > 1 2 3
#23: 由 adrianna_joe (會員) 於 2008-10-18 19:45:33 提供
使用時間 一個月至三個月 
購買價錢 HK$27000 
用家意見 very good product 
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頁數: > 1 2 3

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The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司
