Home > 用家意見 > DVD影碟機 > Malata PDVD-N966
Malata PDVD-N966
公司網頁 Malalta
售價: HK$2080 
意見總數 14 
平均得分 3.89 
產品簡介 - 逐行掃描的視頻輸出:Y/Pr/Pb和RGB
- 內置 DTS 、 AC-3 六聲道雙解碼
- 輸出接口:AV、S端子、Y/Pr/Pb、RGB、VGA、光纖、同軸


頁數: > 1 2
#14: 由 Swift 於 2001-08-31 18:07:09 提供
使用時間 一個月至三個月 
購買價錢 HK$1880 
用家意見 Hello Kennis, I have some difficulties in understanding your English. Anyway I shall try my best to respond.

1. I am not an agent of Malata. I do not even work in the AV field. I do not have any ties with Malata at all except that I have purchased the N996 about a month ago. I cannot speak for hpyuen.
2. If you have got problem with your machine, call up the supplier or the retailer and return it.
3. I understand that everywhere else in HK have been selling it at 1,880 or lower since the beginning of August. You were paying too much.
4. The results tell it all. This baby got praised all over the Internet. AVSFORUM.COM said that people have to wait for weeks to get this machine and the retailer in AVDEAL.COM has a lot of back-order pending.
5. This machine is being put on the demo shelf TOGETHER WITH PHILIPS Q50, TOSHIBA 900E, SONY 9000ES AND PIONEER 838A and connected to a Toshiba PSCAN TV 34D9 at Fortress in Timesquare. Will you dare to do so if you have inferior sound and picture ?
6. I did my due diligence by comparing against the big boys in the show room and at the end I made the purchase decision. I did not have the luxury to buy all available DVD players and compare each one at home. So I can only say that I like it, but I don't know how it fares against players like 5310K except that it is OK even when compared with the big boys that I have mentioned.
7. Finally it is my experience only, why would somebody infer that I am an agent of this machine ? Is it not allowed to give 5 stars if there is different opinion ? 
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