Home > 用家意見 > 合拼擴音機 > McIntosh MA6500
McIntosh MA6500
公司網頁 McIntosh (USA)
售價: HK$26,000 
平均得分 2.00 
產品簡介 - 2 x 120/200/250 (8/4/2 ohms)
- Wide Power Bandwidth Width with Ultra-Low Distortion
- Power Output Meters
- Exclusive McIntosh Tone Controls
- Headphone Jack
- Loudness Compensation
- Switching For Two Pairs Of Speakers
- Power Guard and Sentry Monitor


頁數: 1
#1: 由 CORE-Man 於 2000-10-02 16:52:18 提供
使用時間 只是試用過 
購買價錢 HK$ 
用家意見 Sound like the cheap MA6450. much much over price, which the MA6450 only cost $15xxx. How come it can sell at the price of MA6850.

Sound: just like the MA6450, I can found any different between the two model. smooth, warm... good for vocal

Control: good, classic feel.

Weakness: no balanced in and out.

Conclusion, for McIntosh fan, buy the MA6850, or second hand MA6800.
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頁數: 1

The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司

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