Home > 用家意見 > 手提MP3機 > NEC D' Cube MP3
NEC D' Cube MP3
公司網頁 NEC
售價: HK$1890 
意見總數 322 
平均得分 3.68 
產品簡介 - Internal 128Mn
- FM Radion
- Digital Recoder.n
- Battery 1x AAAn


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#142: 由 TK 於 2002-12-02 23:17:31 提供
使用時間 不適用 
購買價錢 HK$ 
用家意見 Can someone tell me how does the NEC D-cube compare with the JNC SSF-20 or SSF-9?

I noticed that the radio reception is quite poor for the NEC, has this been improved for the new stocks? 
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The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司

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