Home > 用家意見 > 數碼相機 > Pentax Optio S5i
Pentax Optio S5i
公司網頁 Pentax (Japan)
售價: HK$ 
平均得分 1.50 
產品簡介 CCD :525 萬像素 n
LCD :1.8 吋TFT 85,200 像素n
變焦:光學x3 (35mm相機35~105mm) n
光圈:F2.6~4.8 n
快門速度:4~1/2,000 秒 n
影片模式:AVI不限時間有聲(320 x 240) n
感光度:ISO50~400 n
儲存媒體:內置10MB SD/MMC n
電池種類:Lithium-ion 充電池 (D-LI8) 


頁數: 1
#1: 由 q12451 (會員) 於 2004-12-16 09:42:15 提供
使用時間 少過一個月 
購買價錢 HK$2350 
用家意見 Small and Light weight, Easy operation.

But the LCD display performance is not acceptable. Under low light conditons or even focus at black objects with daylight, the display suddenly full of snow flakes and resume normal when a white object is selected. However, the photo quality is OK. New S5i was changed but still got the same problem. The shop claimed this is Pentax's hardware problem .

Recommend new buyers to aware of this!! 
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頁數: 1

The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司

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