Home > 用家意見 > DVD影碟機 > Pioneer DV-535K
Pioneer DV-535K
公司網頁 Pioneer (Japan)
售價: HK$ 
平均得分 3.81 
產品簡介 - 配備雙波長鐳射讀取頭,能對應 CD-R 及 CD-RW
- 色差圖像輸出
- 圖像使用者界面 (Graphical User Interface)
- 10 BIT NTSC encoder & 10 BIT Video D/A converter
- 最後播放記憶弁
- 快速啟動播放弁
- 卡拉OK弁

- 兼容: DVD video, video CD and music CD, CD-R and CD-RW
- 水平解像度: 500 or more
- S/N: 115dB
- Dynamic range: 105dB
- 輸出(視頻): Component Video, S-Video, Coaxial Video
- 輸出(音頻): Digial(Optical, Coaxial), Coaxial Analog (Stereo)
- 外型尺寸(寬/高/深): 420 x 104 x 281 mm
- 重量: 2.7kg 


頁數: 1
#8: 由 Henry 於 2000-09-19 21:28:24 提供
使用時間 一個月至三個月 
購買價錢 HK$ 
用家意見 It's quite good ah, i'm using it now.

Before this , I have tried the Sony S345, I found that the 535K 's picture quality is better than the sony one.

If you have a (component video input) support TV, it'll be even better.

More over the price for the Pioneer one is reasonable. The down side is the graphics menu & the remote control doesn;t look really nice, the sony ones looks better, also the looks ofit. However I thinkg the picture quality is more important. Give it a try!!

What a coincidence! I bought the 535K from Yau Shing as well. The shop's service is awful but they let me change the DVD player from a sony S345 to the pioneer 535K, of course w/ additional cost la. Regarding the picture's colour, I guess u r probably right because i just find out that recently when i watch the film " Saving Private Ryan", the colur of the "blood" from the film is a bit different compare to when i watch it from the computer. It's not very noticeable in other film. The reason i like the picture from the pioneer is because it has sharper picture compare to the sony one but still, i think the computer is better.

Regarding perception of colour, it's quite subjective somehow, i guess the best player should best reflect the original colur that the film should be, which in my case , i found that the computer can do it better than the DVD player. I have not tried the Shinco player that u mentioned or other player except the sony S345 & the pioneer535K, but for me, I'm generally satisfied w the pioneer one. I also would like to know which DVD player's picture quality is the best or better.
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頁數: 1

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