Home > 用家意見 > DVD影碟機 > Shinco DVD1500
Shinco DVD1500
公司網頁 新科 (中國)
售價: HK$1,350 
平均得分 3.30 


頁數: 1
#5: 由 Raymond Leung 於 2001-03-13 00:21:25 提供
使用時間 三個月至一年 
購買價錢 HK$1180 
用家意見 Sometime it cannot play CD (not "Lo Fan"), but after 5-10 minutes, it work again. I don't know why.
It play DVD quit well but no decorder in it, just has a coxial output.
But the most funny function it come along is you can recording the DVD output to a VHS recorder with very good result (everybody know the DVD output is not "recoderable"). I phoned the wholesaler in H.K., their answer is positive this model out is recorderable. 
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