Home > 用家意見 > DVD影碟機 > Sony DVP-NS915V
Sony DVP-NS915V
公司網頁 Sony (Japan)
售價: HK$ 
平均得分 4.00 


頁數: 1
#4: 由 Chief (會員) 於 2003-01-22 11:38:25 提供
使用時間 三個月至一年 
購買價錢 HK$3450 
用家意見 The picture and sound quality are extremely good in this price range. If you watch DVD Karaoke or listen music you will find 915V sound quality is much better than Philips 963SA & Pioneer DV-S755Ai. The only disadvantage is it doesn't support most CD-R's...in fact it's the problem of all Japanese DVD-P's.  
扺用指數: | 滿意指數:
頁數: 1

The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司

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