Home > 用家意見 > 前級擴音機 > TacT Audio RCS 2.0s Room Correction Preamplifier
TacT Audio RCS 2.0s Room Correction Preamplifier
公司網頁 TacT Audio
售價: HK$22,500 
平均得分 0.00 
產品簡介 - 2 channels of room correction using 4 ultra fast Motorola DSPs n
- Complete FFT measurement system running on Windows 98, 2000, XPn
- Simplified setup procedure with less than 2 minutes from measurement to corrected signaln
- Calibrated TACT Microphonen
- Digital input sampling frequency up to 192 kHzn
- Completely modular design of AD and DA convertern
- Digital volume control with 0.1 dB resolutionn
- Standard 12 band parametric EQn
- Sofisticated digital tonal controln
- 5 Digital inputs (1 x AES/EBU, 3 x S/PDIF, 1 x TosLink).n
- 3 Digital outputs (1 x AES/EBU,1x S/PDIF,1 x TosLink) n
- IR Remote controln
- RS 232 interfacen
- Daisy chain capabilityn
- High Quality all-aluminum chassis with 12 mm thick front panen


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購買價錢 HK$22,500 
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The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司

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