Home > 用家意見 > 電視機 > Toshiba 29AZ8UE
Toshiba 29AZ8UE
公司網頁 Toshiba (HK)
售價: HK$7870 
意見總數 38 
平均得分 3.60 
產品簡介 東芝29吋Hyper Pro 100「飛視」n
29吋平面超級晶麗V2顯像管、超數碼逐行掃描、超數碼100逐幅掃描、32M大容量記憶體、百萬像素處理、伽瑪校正、10 Bit圖像處理 n


頁數: > 1 2 3 4
#38: 由 andynali (會員) 於 2002-09-12 11:06:55 提供
使用時間 一個月至三個月 
購買價錢 HK$8XXX 
用家意見 It's OK in this price range. But cannot play gun game ( I guess all 100Hz TV also cannot play gun game). Many people found the picture is fair for the local broadcasting. Yes, it's but if your antenna reception is very good, it can be better a lot.

The direction of the side sprs. are in a way to give you a funny stereo sound. 
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頁數: > 1 2 3 4

review33 on mobile

The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司
