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[#4] 太空漫遊 2001, 2001-Space Odessy    
呢套戲講到娛樂性就梗係唔及得時下D超級大片,但係妠N勝在夠哂經典,妘定日後幾乎所有科幻太空片的模式 ... 淨係睇吤朘禫矰@片的太空艙佈景,太空船飛入飛出的鏡頭,出色的配樂 ...等等好多,都被其後無數的太空電影N次地重複/模倣/抄襲.Pioneering Work一句講哂,係科幻迷就必定耍珍藏啦!!
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-06-04 21:35
[#3] 太空漫遊 2001, 2001-Space Odessy    
I have the 1080i version of this film and I found the visual presentation is wonderful This version is the High definition version that record from japan BS TV. It is truly give me the feeling of the 'Film' . This is the highest standard (except on threater) quailty of picture of the this movie. Sorry that DVD can't compare with it....

I use the 80'inch projector to watch it. Wow....
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-05-23 20:37
[#2] 太空漫遊 2001, 2001-Space Odessy    
I bought this special edition DVD from a web friends few weeks ago. Enchanced picture and sound quality comparing the old version. It is a must buy item for any science fiction fans.

For anyone want to know the meaning inside this movie. Perhaps this link can help:


個人訊息 正式會員
2003-05-20 14:14
[#1] 太空漫遊 2001, 2001-Space Odessy    
一年前買了隻special edition, 細細個已經聽這部片好前衛, 是大導演寇比歷克的作品, 點知開2分鐘睇見d猩猩係度跳, 真係悶到抽筋, 用快鏡fw, 點知重悶, 卡是一直沒有睇完, 上個星期有個網友話要, 臨賣前一晚, 點都捱完. 真係好悶, 平心而論, 如果以六十年代的idea, 真係好精彩, 但而家都2003年, 香港人唔係好堛Y賞d節奏.
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-05-20 13:18
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