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[#1] Angelita featuring Hans Ulrik Group - Caminhos Cruszdos(李安琪)    
Have been listened to the disc "Salute deux" from Lowell Lo (盧冠廷), Prudence Liew (劉美軍) & Angelita Li (李安琪), I found the voice of Ms.Li is quite outstanding and suit me. Once her above disc has appeared (黑白大頭相) and I bought it to home, it is another style with Brazilian-flavoured music in which performed with a Danish saxophone player - Hans Ulrik.

It's quite good and recommend to you all.
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-06-15 11:00
[#2] Angelita featuring Hans Ulrik Group - Caminhos Cruszdos(李安琪)    
....值得一提, 第4首(Uma Noite) 係"酒紅色的心"曲底, 好像法文歌吧!~

個人訊息 正式會員
2003-06-15 11:32
[#3] Angelita featuring Hans Ulrik Group - Caminhos Cruszdos(李安琪)    
...here is the disc photo. It's really good. Did anyone buy this disc, any comments can be shared?

個人訊息 正式會員
2003-06-28 23:57
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