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[#1] Got You Covered! --- Eric Marienthal    

深秋時份又來到了, 片片落葉隨風散落的美麗景色又再腦海中回憶起來, 絲絲的溫馨的感覺, 真實動人; 就好像Eric Marienthal的這張新唱片一樣, 親切動人的音樂, 沒有花巧刻意的佈局, 粒粒充滿優美真摰情懷的音符, 打動了聽眾的心扉, 令人欣喜!!

Eric Marienthal, 一位來自美國的爵士樂色士風好手, 十多年在樂界默默耕耘, 雖然沒有好像其他爵士樂樂手那般大紅大紫, 但是他是一位實力派樂手, 過往在不同場合演出和發表過的個人作品, 都有不錯的品評; 當大家如果有留意過他在其中一些表演場合, 例如Chick Corea Elektric Band, Rippingtons, Lee Ritenour Band Tour和David Benoit的Tour Band, 一定會見到他的名字, 他都是被這些爵士樂壇的靈魂人物賞識, 亦是他們的好朋友兼拍擋, 他們分別為Chick Corea, Russ Freeman, Lee Ritenour和David Benoit!!

時常在不同的媒介, 都會見到他總是以親切的陽光笑臉面對群眾, 就好像他的音樂一樣, 很Smooth, 溫馨感人和令人聽得開心舒懷, 很容易渡過一個漫長的時光!! 今趟他的新唱片, 他選擇了一些他很喜愛和為人熟悉的作品來演奏, 感受就好像回到溫馨的家一樣, 心情十分甜美!! 全碟共收錄十一首音樂, 所有作品都以清新暢快的節奏去演繹, 十分易聽, 適合喜歡聽現代音樂風格的朋友去慢慢細味; 不如看看他對這張唱片的介紹:

"When I first started thinking about this record, I knew that I wanted to do something different. I love playing live, I love the sound of acoustics instruments, and I really love playing jazz standards and other well-known tunes so I decided to combine all three. Over the course of four days, we recorded live in the studio to try and capture the interaction and spontaneity of a live performance. One of the great joys for any musician is to be inspired by what's being played around them at that moment. The songs that we recorded are some of my all-time favorites. "Moody's Mood for Love" was one of my uncle Hans Prager's favorities and it was recorded in his memory. This is the record I've dreamed of making for a long time and I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed recording it."

--- Eric Marienthal

在這張碟中, 他請來了多位著名樂手和老友助陣錄音, 包括Keyboard好手Chick Corea和Rusell Ferrante, Bass好手Dave Carpenter, 結他好手Russ Freeman, 敲擊好手Luis Conte和鼓手Peter Erskine等等; 以下會為大家介紹其中一些精彩的作品:

開首的I will一曲, 是來自Beatles的舊作; Eric Marienthal的色士風吹奏得很有陽光味, 溫馨活潑, 如果在清風吹送的環境細聽, 別有一番特色, 感人美麗!!

New York State of Mind一曲, 具有頗濃發燒味道的歌曲, 色士風和電結他的演奏來得細膩醉人, 敲擊和鋼琴聲輕輕和應, 加添一份優美的味道, 水準之作!!

Emotion一曲, 當年的流行曲佳作, 聽眾都唱到朗朗上口, 無人不識; 今趟Eric Marienthal擔綱長笛和色士風的吹奏, 音樂意境少了一份電子味, 清新流暢, 感覺更加柔和優美, 十分不錯!!

My One and Only Love, 是Eric Marienthal和Chick Corea的互相演奏的作品, 色士風聲吹得很有個性, 鋼琴彈得層次分明, 一首表現個人奶O之作, 值得一聽!!

You've Got A Friend一曲, 是小弟全碟至愛, 因為這首歌的色士風吹奏出很靚的音樂意境, 就好像回到自己溫暖的家一樣, Russ Freeman的結他彈奏, 加強了這種感覺; 如果你的朋友和親人遇到不開心的時候, 不妨播一播這個版本的歌給他/她們聽聽, 一面談天, 用愉快的歌聲去撫慰不快心靈, 令他/她笑逐顏開!!

美好的音樂, 為大家的生活加添生氣和色彩, 這張唱片就是合乎這個說法; 全碟均於美國製作, 水準極高, 現已在港上市!!



CD Tracklisting:

1. I Will
2. New York State Of Mind
3. Love And Liberte
4. Compared To What
5. I've Got The World On A String
6. Emotion
7. Two Part Invention No.4 In D Minor
8. My One And Only Love
9. You've Got A Friend
10. Stand By Me
11. Moody's Mood For Love

Produced by Russ Freeman

CD is made in USA

Artist: Eric Marienthal
Record Name: Got You Covered!
Label: Peak Records
Music Type: Smooth Jazz
Category No.: PKD-8533-2
Release Date: 20 September, 2005

Happy Listening!!


個人訊息 正式會員
2005-10-01 01:00
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